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Modern Women Are DOOMED - Men Are Not Approaching Women Anymore!

99 Vues
Publié le 21 Sep 2024 / Dans Divertissement
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GhostPlodderES 6 mois depuis

Did you beotches forget #METOO? That's why.

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They are too stupid to get it, that ANY win or advantage by deceit - is never a win. Kermit ~ 1990

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WMHarrison94 6 mois depuis

How dare you! Ask about their gold fish memory sir!? Lol

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The stupid fucks...

Pretty Girl Chases Pretty Boy - They fuck and fuck and fuck....

New Pretty Boy comes along - AND they fuck and fuck and fuck....

Etc., etc., etc.

The dumb fucking bitch from 18 onwards, should have never gone on the pill, had a few babies, stuck with the ONE man and raised a family - and stuck it out through thick and thin etc..

But the dumb fucks don't.

It's kids in a candy shop with an enormous variety of cock, and nothing else to do, until they are too old, it's too late and they are full of VD / Sterile / Infertile - and their BREED by date has just come and gone...


Your ONE shot at life, to get married, settle down, have a family, and to pass on your 3.5 billion years of genetic inheritance - it's over.

Now it's just cheap wine, head meds, cats - and oblivion into old age... and then death.

No man, no family, no children, no grand children, no great grand children......

Just rubber dicks and girly flix....

And a huge fuck you as a local cum dump for the local lads.....

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Tits, Cunt and a lack of Charisma.

Doing anything USEFUL around the place?

"Oh what do you mean?"

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GenerationLESS 6 mois depuis

We're not scared of you or rejection, we're sick and disgusted of you cunts.

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Stalwart 6 mois depuis

To the fucking retard at 23:43, in the U.S., vehicles are struck by trains at railroad crossings roughly 2,000 times per year. She can fuck off with her irrelevant statistics that put nothing into perspective.

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