Modern Women Are Not Marriage Material | Popp Culture

The wahmen of the modern era are going down on and with the ship. And their anchor friends are carrying them straight to the bottom.
#TerrencePopp #ModernWomen #CultureWar
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Episode Throwback
Classic Mistakes Modern Women Make
Surrender Your Manhood
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Let's do a Christmas theme... the Peninsula of Discarded Pusses! (You know the Island of Discarded Toys... hey wait, am I repeating myself?)
Hmmm... two things Popp, "Young dumb and full of (cum) something that rhymes with uhm Rum... plus add it fun fact, rum makes you dumber... and... I think I am starting to understand why women love bondage so much... they can't shove food into their faces...
Proof that my ex-wife has multiple personalitys.