
Modern Women ATTACKING MEN For Going Their Own Way- The Men Are Done Dating-Women Hitting The Wall

88 Просмотры
Опубликован в 25 Jan 2025 / В Фильм и анимация

They maon about not finding LOVE, they CRY because they cant find love. Yep modern women have no concept of what love is? Their idea of love is a provider they can crew over to get money and resources, I never hear these tramps mention effection or togetherness, compassion, Unconditional being together, that I guess is what love should be? As for me I knoe women just cannot provide a fraction of any of this so love doesn't exist in my mind ort heart anymore, luckily a heart that mended and will no longer be broken by a women. It took a long time and getting used to being alone , which I like, but my life partness I discovered, and not in a narcissistic way, is my very Self. Women have muddied the npool with all their entitlement and narsisistic BULLSHIT, What they think of as love (using MEN) is not what MEN think of as love. MEN are finished with all that shit and we are NOW stronger than we ever were. We need to be gharder and more stioc to survive and that cannot be done with a pussy in tow to fuck every thing up, to create a nergative and manipulative background for a good man to try and work through. Nopw No woimen no cry, although the Bob marley song had a slightly different meaning the title is apt? the song is actually about stopping his women crying. Women are not worth the effort to a MAN if HE wants a stable and good life, don't help them, don't talk to them unles you cant avoid it, certainly DO NOT get emotional involved with them that WILL destroy you in the end, just continue to walk away. If do feel the need to give a women something, let it be your total CONTEMPT for it.

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RCAugust 2 месяцы тому назад

When men open up emotionally to women, we're called simps and weaklings. When we remain closed, we're called emotionally immature. When we remain silent, we're told to talk, and when we talk, we're told to shut up.

When we walk toward women, we're called creepy and weird. When we walk away from women, we're called closed and unavailable.

I would rather shut up and walk away than approach women and risk incarceration.

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mrghoster 1 месяц тому назад

Aviod women, walk away ans don't evcen react to their b ullshit comments anymore, MAN is stronger than woman both emotionally and physically, we don't need then, if anything they need Us, but we are learning on mass to walk away from the Bullshit. MAN WILL rise again but not until woman has destroyed both itself and society, the Gynocentric society that is. Curse women and I hopw they burn in hell and MAN rises up once more and put's these demon's in their place, because effectively that is what women have becoime.

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Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson 2 месяцы тому назад

Old Retarded Hangs

"Me and Muh Cunt" = Priceless.

Yeah 20 years ago - Move On.

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