@DIOSUNBALLZ_TALICHAD: a lot of these songs have a name just like this, you just have to read them a few times to get what it says, not all of them but a lot of them are like this, i love that creativity.
@KEEPER: I know what you mean some are funny like Tara Dikoff and Polly Darton and some songs are Blunt to the point "Not in the Shitter tonight," The Classic Shut the Fuck up Bitch haha others are like you said are needed to look at again example Run away Train I need to ride the train tonight, Train to Pound Town and so on there are all sorts of funny and interesting AI SONGS and never ceases to amaze me I do like the AI SONG that Hammer plays called Slapping a Nigger :D haha
@DIOSUNBALLZ_TALICHAD: that must be a new one i haven't heard yet, i kind of fell off of listening to hammer when i stopped playing FO4 and went back to skyrim, the only reason i was listening to podcasts was of the settlement building, but now i have gotten to the point where i really fucking hate settlement building and it also hurts my hands and fingers, but i like skyrim more, but i don't have the desire to listen to podcasts in skyrim as it's the kind of game you can get lost in.
@KEEPER: I know what you mean. If i had a PC to Run Skyrim I would and never leave home. RGE even spoke of skyrim recently saying that the mods and even vanilla is way more based and dont need to play anything else, Those old school SKYRIM MODS and SUM NEWS ONE OH MAN you will work from home and never leave house again Fuck all the goy they can work haha. I know what you mean Fuck Settlement Building and thats one of the reasons I stayed away from it, NEW METAL GEAR BASE BUILDING PISSED ME OFF TO THE POINT I NEVER WANT TO DO ANY OF THAT KIND OF SHITE EVER AGAIN JUST SHOOT N LOOT
@DIOSUNBALLZ_TALICHAD: well there was a while when i liked the settlement building, but it just got to a point where i didn't want to engage in that shit in every new playthrough, it reached it's impasse and it no longer was fun, instead i was always in search for a mod that prebuilds settlements, and some of that was through the blueprint mods, but i wanted something even less hands on, i wanted something that would have them all built up before i even got to play the game, and some mods provided this, but they just had so many damn issues that would break your save game after a while and once again you would have to start over. there was one mod that did this before i left that i gave a try and it was good in some locations but in some locations i wish they never touched because it became shit with performance, sure they looked nice but i didn't like being hit with so much damn lag and stuttering and low as hell fps issues, it's just not enjoyable when that shit happens. when it came to the modding scene for FO4 it was always a struggle to find the good mods, to many people make the same shit just slightly diffrent but i get board of the modding in FO4, skyrim is always advancing in the modding scene, there is always something new and amazing, where in FO4 every week it was the same shit, new gun mods meh..... new slooty mag mod meh..... new translation mod meh...... very rarely were there any good interesting mods, in skyrim the modding scene never slows down like that, there is always something new, and don't get me wrong i do like the nude mods but they aren't my main priority, once i have the sexy body mods and physics mods and the clothing i'm good and no other mod really appeals to me at that point within the same idea, people put up countless body mod presets and most i just ignore because i already got what i needed. the only issue with Skyrim mods that i run into is the really fucking complicated to set up mods, in FO4 it was rare that i found a complicated mod, every once in a while i would run into something but it was never on the level of complicated as skyrim mods. like the animation mods, i have no fucking clue how to install those and even with videos on youtube they are still very complicated because you will be shown an installation of a mod and when you try to follow the steps there is something diffrent from the version they are showing to the new version you are using and you can't fully follow the instructions.
plus you have to deal with all the diffrent versions of skyrim and the compatible mods so that's a huge waste of time and patience. i mean when you get everything working it's fine, but damn you have to do a lot of shit to get things working right.
@KEEPER: I hear ya I know what you thats why some of these mobile games are much easier these days or the animated story mobile games are decent as well
@DIOSUNBALLZ_TALICHAD: i can't get into those games, and i have tried many times, they just put me to sleep. for me it has to be more than just a image and a text on a screen.
@KEEPER: at least they are good for one thing putting you to sleep when insomnia kicks in, I will say that are good for that. I cant stand the same either there are sum that have animations and make you choose choices those I prefer then again just image and text on screen nope no can do gotta do something maybe the game clash of titans or that new shooting hordes of enemies is to play then again they get boring real fast
@DIOSUNBALLZ_TALICHAD: now i will especially say i hate the ones that require online bullshit to play them, i simply won't touch those games, i have an app on my phone that shuts down those ones, because even the ones that say they are offline games, they still want to use the internet to make you view the ads nonsense, i had to get an app to block these other apps from gaining access to the internet, thank god for that app lol, i can't stand these ads in mobile games.
@KEEPER: oh yeah fuck those stay far away from those. Some of the hentai ones are much better, then its retro, gonna have to go with DOOM, QUAKE in 4K or TETRIS haha those are the only offline that are old school and great I cant find a decent EMULATOR for N64 to Run off Mobile to Play KILLER INSTINCT GOLD N64 EDITION as RGE that is Peak Fighting game the Best it can get or until DOA OR SOUL CALIBUR makes a decent port to mobile otherwise out of luck \G/
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