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My Top 60 Anime Waifus

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Опубликован в 26 Sep 2023 / В Фильм и анимация

I give a list of my top 60 anime waifus

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WMHarrison94 2 лет тому назад

Bro, if you're going to record your screen, which I do, you should you Powerpoint each slide minus a title page and perhaps summary or purpose page and I add receipts with a bibliography page, you could put one waifu per page or slide and take up the whole screen. If you don't have Powerpoint, you can download Libre Office for free and use Write in place of Word and Impress in place of Powerpoint. The beauty: you can copy paste the pictures and texts you already organized... I usually start the Xbox gamer and then go full screen or mostly full screen, and control the pace by using page up or page down keys... just saying. You would not have to fight the page bar to center your image and title text.

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AgentofSocialMediaChaos 2 лет тому назад

I just recorded a wordpad document I made on my laptop with this video.

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AgentofSocialMediaChaos 2 лет тому назад

Thanks for the program suggestions though. I will probably use a different program other than wordpad for when I record other list videos like this

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WMHarrison94 2 лет тому назад

@AgentofSocialMediaChaos: I use Wordpad, but it really does suck. I used to use Notepad to save notes. I used to teach intro labs at college as a grad student, so I got use to powerpoint. Just check out any of my videos: They're a;; made with Gamer X (free with Wind10 and likely 11) I want to say Ctrl +Alt +G is the shortcut to open it. I used Voice Recorder, also free usually installed-- though a recent update fucked my settings at the moment. and I had o dig around for mpeg 4 editors. All my old programs converted to mpeg4, but did not let me edit. I have three programs I use now-- one's free on line. I used OneNote- Immersive reader to read my text. However, as I said my settings are fucked up and I have to trouble shoot. I made one video recording OneNote instead of a powerpoint-- it has a white background. Start using Write: it's free. With the push for more censorships, I am switching to linux (also a YT channel name on Odysee and Bitchute too) soon. STL reviews Linux distros and does tutorials.

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WMHarrison94 2 лет тому назад

Sorr, I am a writer though : - ) Here'sa link. I also downloaded GIMP for free-- it's a photoshop with Linux: I'm still learning it. I don't like that Adobe moved all their shit into the cloud. I hate Cloud base shit: It's so they can spy on you. I do use Vudu though for movies, but not "work."

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AgentofSocialMediaChaos 2 лет тому назад

@WMHarrison94: same here. I don't like the cloud but I have a giant collection of digital movies on Vudu because back in the day when they did their disc to digital program where you could get a digital copy of a movie for $2 if you had a dvd disc and a computer disc drive I would borrow dvd discs from my local public library and used the disc to digital program to get the movie at a discount. Sadly they stopped doing that disc to digital thing with Vudu after Walmart sold them to Fandango.

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WMHarrison94 2 лет тому назад

@AgentofSocialMediaChaos: yeah, I miss those Walmart days and 24 hr open Walmarts... Yeah, my Four Truths video is the OneNote recording. I wished Linux had a OneNote type program-- you can do so much with it, and I barely use it. I was going to say at least in my area, I can log into the local library's computers use MS Office including powerpoint and convert it to odf in Libre Office or use them as office docs in Libre Office too. I could do minor animations in Powerpoint, but Impress is kicking my ass with them... I might need to go to Adobe to make them first?! Oh, Billy van Bomb uses Adobe Premiere alot... I used it when it first came out and PhotoShop and Illustrator in college. I looked at Screen Recorders-- some could work, but I stay away from the 12 month licenses: That's what they are trying to push on us. I heard Popp mention he uses DaVince Resolve, which I just starting researching ad TFM using that Sony program-- he mentioned once he bought it on sale in a packaged deal. Oh, one more thing: TFM made his Dancing Celestina with Honey Select. Honey Select 2 is on Steam for like $60 or $70-- you might be able to male 2D and 3D models of the waifus with that. I have been watching Allusion products, but have been waiting for me to get a more powerful computer in order to use it fully. Yeah, it seems all we can do now is try to help each other now that Free Speech is definitely being challenged: They just made it illegal in the UK especially with thus Russel Brand BS and Rumble and X caught in it.

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WMHarrison94 2 лет тому назад

WEll, guess I should have proofread that... I used to use Wordpad for that, Anyway, have a good one and good luck.

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