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New Evidence Shows FBI's Direct Link to Trump's Shooter

42 Ansichten
Veröffentlicht auf 29 Jul 2024 / Im Nachrichten & Politik

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WMHarrison94 7 Monate vor

Uhm... Lame Stream media is under the control and surveillance of the CIA... that needs to change. If the FBI could fuck up at tbis level, then time to shrink them and simplify their missions. Allow State bureaus of investigation to conduct their own cooperative investigations.

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sbseed 7 Monate vor

well ultimately the bankers/jews but yea they are part and parcel of the problem...

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sbseed 7 Monate vor

i mean they are the ones in charge ultimately...

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sbseed 8 Monate vor

is the narrator bought and paid for by the deepstate?!...

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WMHarrison94 7 Monate vor

Nah... he's Deep Throat of the Deep State... bought and paid for? He runs it! There are so many misinformation in this.

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sbseed 8 Monate vor

btw, none of the consiracies/ideas/information has been completely debunked...
NONE of it, because facts are still forthcoming...

what we do know is that he was a stooge for FBI/SS, these are facts which the narrator himself has confirmed...
if the FBI/SS was not involved why where they scrubbing as much of the would-be assassin's information and transactions from the internet INCLUDING ID usage and any debit/credit cards used outside of a very few purchases by him in regards to ammo and the range finder (the range finder itself was not on the list of things he actually purchased, where did he get it)...

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WMHarrison94 7 Monate vor

He has a friend at least or maybe two... now that we know he got paid...

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sbseed 8 Monate vor

well we know which way the narrator leans in regards to actual factual information but instead relies solely on main stream media's out and out lies...

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KEEPER 8 Monate vor

well if anything, if they try to pretend they never said such things, this can be used against them as this was the information at the time, and your right, this is still ongoing investigation, and your also right that they haven't seemed to bring up his entire purchase history via debit or credit cards, but this is why it's on going, however i don't trust the FBI investigating this, i feel they are very much involved in all of this, there are just to many connections, also that BlackRock company, my guess is they were the ones who made the payments, but they sent it through someone within the FBI in order to make it a secure payment that wouldn't lead directly back to them, but they did have the kid in their commercial and we already know how Larry Fink thinks, as he describes it as forcing behavior's through subversion or extortion, so it doesn't really surprise me that they were involved.

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WMHarrison94 7 Monate vor

@KEEPER: I have two concerns... First off, did anybody check his asshole for uhm evidence of penetration... I mean how many times did he go to those FBI ofgice and meeting rooms in their offsite building? We already know leaked from Washington political fags thst they all butt fuck in those public conference rooms... so "interview eh?"

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WMHarrison94 7 Monate vor

Second... sorry for delving into the gayness but this is the FBI, conference rooms, and Demofags we talking about... on the side lines atleadt. So, second... "unmarked (account) numbers used by (Federal) government "wired" accounts? I'm sorry but a big fucking Blackrock Giantvsize morning wood here is a little bigger than the fat elephant in the room!?! Unmarked "dark web" government accounts? You know Blackrock likely owns those...It's like WTF?! Maybe, we should have a semi nuetral party say the Taiwanese Intelligence Service independently investigate this? Thete's no Demofags in the (federal) government I'd trust to give a "honest" investigation...I'm not kidding about check the kid's butthole. These fags get off on dominance and converting hetereos...

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sbseed 8 Monate vor

there is no "what if", everyone with 2 braincells knows already that FBI/SS are deeply involved...

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