

174 Visualizações
Publicado em 25 Jul 2022 / Em Filme & Animação

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What if the Zionist created religion to tell us that Jesus or God will come save us when things get bad. So that we do nothing but watch Zionist take over the world ? what if thats what they want ?

I suggest that all of mgtow should take the WARPILL and the FLATPILL.
If your already sinning and going to hell, then go have fun in Tijuana or Thailand or even a local bar if you can pull.
I agree with the notion that we should forget about women and focus on ourself. But you cant really forget about women until you get sick and annoyed of them. I was desperate for pussy untill I got married. (Im divorced now)
Unlike you guys I don't click on thumbnails with hot women on them because I dont feel the desire for them. Like I use to when I wasn't drowning in puntang.
Im not judging anyone, but I believe that there are serious mental health issues with people who dont regularly have sex, I mean look at prison rapes, look at what happens to soldiers and raping when they go to war.
Once you have the women, you dont want them anymore. You would just much rather hang out with your bros.

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Longshanks 3 anos atrás

salve boyos

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bigintol03 3 anos atrás

U don't know who this guy is...but I like him!

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SuperMachoAlfa 3 anos atrás

LooksMaximus gimpina I believe

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