
Projectors a Liberation from Smart TVs

10 Vues
Publié le 13 Jun 2024 / Dans Science et Technologie

Discussion of an alternative to TVs which are becoming more and more controlling giving the user very little options.

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I like projectors, but to get really good imagery - your up for $3000 - $5000 in Australia, and the cheaper GOOD portable projectors for for $300 - $600

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tarknan 10 mois depuis

Well it's not a perfect solution but hopefully it's viable solution for some.

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@tarknan: Yeah I wasn't putting shit on you or the ideas and products in the video... Aldi was selling a cheap Phillips projector that with very marginal illumination and a very low price, well I bought it as a test product... You know like buying a $15 angle grinder / router instead of the really good stuff that costs heaps, to determine if your really going to find a use for it, and to gain a familiarity with the product and process, prior to making a substantial investment... In something way better that costs a lot more... AND the add showed a magnificent huge colour image - like the very good 4K monitors... but the reality was that it was a small image, very dim, and the colours were bleached out and faded... I could not afford $400 - $800 for a projector.. and this one at $120 - was completely unuseable... Even for projecting outlines onto big boards for painting in later.. Unless the board is white and it's completely DARK... like star light only. BUT I think projectors are a case of really reading up on the specifications - like lumens per square meter at such and such a distance, and looking at all the functions and capabilities AND then going for a try before you buy.... OR a 14 day full refund policy if not entirely satisfied caveat on the purchase.... AND having a good screen is a necessity...

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tarknan 10 mois depuis

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: No worries I hear you, definitely projectors need a lot research and effort. Not to mention everyone's needs and situation are different.

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