
Raped and converted of force to islam -224

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gepubliceerd op 22 Jun 2023 / In Mensen & blogs

How to explain that the young christian, Kinza Sindhu, 14 years old, has been raped and forcibly converted to islam, thus than of dozens of other young girls at Pakistan, the " country of pures ", if not because their executioners, muslims, take the example on Muhammad, who declared the jihad, this universal and perpetual war against the no-moslems (Quran 9.44 ; 60.4 ; 9.33), which gave him the right, in particular, to do in sexual enslave of young girls (Quran 33.52 ; 70.30 ; 8.41 ; 59.6 ; Ibn Hicham etc.) Of more, converting someone to islam does earn of points for the heaven. Whether by ruse or force has not of importance, because Allah knows better ! And he is so merciful that judges and lawyers are afraid to do their job, and that many of parents renounce to prosecute and see again free their child ... But Allah is great and Muhammad is his prophet !

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