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Re: Matt Walsh aka Naggy Beard | Live From The Lair

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Publicado em 27 Jan 2025 / Em Comédia

Rose colored glasses and a naggy beard does not make you an expert on Family Court.
#TerrencePopp #CultureWar #NaggyBeard
Edited by Laslo

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Calling All Stations
Calling All Stations 1 Mês atrás

Walsh and his cohort Shapiro are just afraid that if enough guys go MGTOW it could cause a major correction in society that would threaten their current cushy lives. Shapiro made a video about this where he actually admitted it. He essentially said he "understands it's a dumpster fire out there for men , but please wife up these hoes and give them kids or you'll collapse society and wreck my cushy situation." That's paraphrasing but very close to what he said.

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WMHarrison94 2 meses atrás

I live Matt Walsh: He hates us though for refusing the rigged death deal known as marriage, but man, he is trolling and exposing the fuck out of the Left...He has been highly effective against abortions snd transgenderism. What is a man? What is a woman? The Hell if I know: They can't go an hour without changing definitions.

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WMHarrison94 2 meses atrás

Live From The LIAR!!!! Not so live pre-recorded...LOL!

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