Redonkulas Ruined My Life! | Live From The Lair
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Опубликован в 22 Apr 2024 / В
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Modern 304s dodge accountability like Neo dodges bullets in “The Matrix.”
#TerrencePopp #HelpingMen #ModernWomen
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“We Must 'Mansplain' because women suffer from Cuntfusion, and if we don't, they will face the Cuntsiquences.”
Only one? Damn, this 304 must have been a dooszy! Walled and Stalled out is what it sounds like to me... with her thousand cock stare...
selfish cunt writes a letter....
I would always go to a bar to have dinner when I traveled so I could talk to people and over the years I saw quite a few women who were there to meet a date get stood up. They'd hand back the menu, pay for their drink, then slink out in shame. Never saw it happen to a guy.
Essentially she's complaining that you're preventing her from the good life by warning her potential victims what to expect. THIS is where we are as a culture.