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Sandman Lost His Money LOL - MGTOW

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Publicado em 11 Mar 2020 / Em Pessoas e Blogs

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video isn't brought to you by any donations because of YouTube throttling down my channel. Even if my channel was monetized I wouldn't be making a dime discussing the coronavirus and how it effects people financially including myself because YouTube has demonetized channels discussing it that aren't outlets like the Young Turks and CNN. In terms of sponsors for this video I'm sponsoring myself which I regularly do where you can get Sandman Merch and other products and services. If you want to support my channel that's a good way of doing it too. So with that out of the way let me tell you about today's sponsor, me the Sandman: Anyways, now back with the show. I thought I'd take this video to explain to everyone what I've been doing with my investments. As I scrip and record this it's Saturday February the 28th. The Dow Jones industrial average is down about 4200 points. So how much money did I lose you ask and why? Well in the middle of February I saw what was going on with the Corona Virus and sold off all of my winning stocks except the gold producers as those stocks were hitting new highs. I was also selling stocks that had gone up a couple of percentage points or were flat. I figured the smart thing to do was to take the profits I had off the table and keep the stocks that were down and hope that they would recover. So at that time I sold off 60% of my Canadian and US Shares. As for the other forty percent about half of those were in gold shares and the other half was in companies that were good dividend paying stocks and many of them were down on average five percent. The idea was to sell them off one at a time as they became positive. But then the last week of February came and I saw that the markets and the smart money had figured out that there would would be disruptions to the supply chain and after a day and a half of watching stocks go into freefall I sold off everything but some of my safe government bond funds and gold stocks. I felt good that I had taken the risk off the table but on Wednesday I saw something very strange. Gold stocks and bond funds both started to go down. I tried selling them on Thursday but the Toronto Stock Exchange had a so called glitch and I couldn't sell. So I got out Friday morning after the gold stocks crashed sixteen percent in only two days. The weekend before the stock selloff I also sold all of my crypto currency. More specifically I converted it to a crypto currency known as Dai that tracks the US dollar. I sold my basic attention token position at about 36 cents Canadian before watching it drop down to 28 cents. You guys know how much I believe in the Brave Browser and believe the Basic Attention Token is the future of advertising. I'm also mostly a dividend investor. So selling all my positions means that I'm not earning a cent from my money right now.

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ChadThundercock 5 anos atrás

Physical Gold, Silver, and Bitcoin.

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One_Ronin 5 anos atrás

Sandman didn't lose his money. He just put it all under the empty side of his mattress for thr time being. CiBC will be calling him to borrow some money soon.

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ancientsea 5 anos atrás

It seems like all the money is going into T-Bills, raising the face value and lowering the interest rate. This time I am watching Gold and Silver also dropping. I am a little confused by that. The sharp rise from day to day in the DOW Jones may be the result of short covering. I think the markets will dip further.... Again I ask; where are they putting their money? Europe and Japan are into negative interest rates, so, paying banks to hold your money seems ''painful''.

BTW, for the past month I haven't seen any BAT.

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Sandman 5 anos atrás

Dude T-bills fell today. Gold held it's own. I've been buying bullion. Gold shares are still falling. Governments could confiscate gold mines.

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Sandman 5 anos atrás

Dude T-bills fell today. Gold held it's own. I've been buying bullion. Gold shares are still falling. Governments could confiscate gold mines.

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ancientsea 5 anos atrás

@Sandman: I think it was 1935 and Roosevelt confiscated all Gold held by citizens in excess of a 5 ounce limit. The Gold was purchased at a Federally determined rate. The rate at that time was fixed at 35 USD an ounce. I will say to you exactly what my father said to me 45 years ago; "They did it once and they will do it again". If I were to guess at the Federal rate for species Gold I would estimate the price fixed at abouk 1K/oz.

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Sandman 5 anos atrás

@ancientsea: I'm in Canada and that never happened here.

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BlackPilledBeltMonkkido 5 anos atrás

Sandman why did you sell all your crypto?!! I can't believe this, this has nothing to do with alpha, beta, or sigma it has to do with common sense. Maybe its just for a few people like me that don't fear death and or have been exposed to the void of non-existence that we walk the immortal technique.

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Sandman 5 anos atrás

I sold BAT at 0.35 cents Canadian. Converted to DAI. I've already made 1000$ from that trade. BAT is down to 0.27 cents. You'd rather I take a 20%+ haircut? I'll buy again once the Corona situation is under control.

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BlackPilledBeltMonkkido 5 anos atrás

@Sandman: Alright bro, buy silver too okay, its great to buy silver now.

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Sandman 5 anos atrás

@BlackPilledBeltMonkkido: I've got 300 ounces. You try carry more than that!!! I need another 7 oz of gold.

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BlackPilledBeltMonkkido 5 anos atrás

@Sandman: That is great indeed.

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Sandman 5 anos atrás

@BlackPilledBeltMonkkido: More importantly I emptied out my safety deposit box today. I don't trust the banks anymore. BTW. . The gold dealers have been running out of gold around here. There is still plenty of silver.

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BlackPilledBeltMonkkido 5 anos atrás

@Sandman: I don't keep much money in them either. The way to end money starts with crypto and back to the gold standard too.

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BlackPilledBeltMonkkido 5 anos atrás

@Sandman: Furthermore it will end taxation as well which is theft. I came up with a logical conclusion that MGTOW is lowering property tax to nothing.

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BlackPilledBeltMonkkido 5 anos atrás

@VaperGamer: I don't think so because its in a long long-term cocoon phase.

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BlackPilledBeltMonkkido 5 anos atrás

@VaperGamer: I'm going to wait when other places and major places accept it.

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Sandman 5 anos atrás

@VaperGamer: The only crypto I've seen with value behind it has been the Brave BAT token. They have 12 million users now and growing. But even still I sold what I had because other crypto will probably drag it down 80-90%. I'll buy it then.

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