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SEE IT The wild story of the Cabbage Patch Kid Riots of 1983

15 Bekeken
gepubliceerd op 15 Aug 2024 / In Film & Animatie


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mrghoster 8 maanden geleden

I was taught as a kid and I adhere to it today - You cant have everything you want in life, but I have found in hindsight that things do eventually come to he who waits, even if it's a good secondhand example. This article reminds me of that Arnie Film "Jingle all the way" where they want an Action figure and the chase is on! lol!

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mrghoster 8 maanden geleden

Pathetic isn't it? and shit still goes on like this today, usually over the latest smartphone that has a new different colored button or something! lol! All women I noticed as well in this riot. Only in america! by the way were these the same doll's that apparently started talking on their own with demonic voices? LOL!

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Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson 8 maanden geleden

Look up: Child's Play chucky doll

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