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Several small fails and one win all smashed into one for your entertainment

120 Görünümler
yayınlandı 18 Jun 2024 / İçinde Kişiler ve Bloglar

Some political, some social but all have the same theme. The narrative is falling apart and there's nothing the powers that be can do to stop it.

0:00 Intro
02:02 Attention hose
04:36 Bad Luck Chuck
08:29 Jack Black sells out for Dementia Joe
16:05 Dating coach gets owned
22:15 It's a trap!
26:34 President Potato Head freezes up
33:45 Model can't find a good man
40:22 Love (Trash) Island women fails
47:18 The Acolyte is very mad at you
1:00:12 Toxic men save the children

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CatFoodMillionaire 9 ay önce

BB haven't heard of john tranthony. Oh dear.
And stop calling them "elites". they are demons, there's nothing aspirational about these evil people.

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WMHarrison94 9 ay önce

We are toxic men or toxic masculinity because we do not bend over to or change our minds like the hoes to follow the most recent Narrative, or as I say just a fancy word for lie. and every time a hoe tells me to man up I laugh in her face... Man up is a man to man phrase... women up is men telling the whores to prove it... get those high heels on and girl boss this shit, I'll wait for you right here.

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WMHarrison94 9 ay önce

Sounds like the one White Jedi offed himself to get off this failing burning garbage of a Star Wars "show." Well, time to start searching for Star Whores... I saw clips on the PornHub before the MILF cam girl strippers took over....

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Yep.... LOL

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myopinion 9 ay önce

@53:26-53:38 = It's going against N A T U R E. ( both M & F, are naturally, seeking beautiful mates. ) It's a survival mechanism, & without it, ... humans COULD go, extinct. People will vote, with their money $$$$$$$$$$$, ........... & the companies, that have, the beautiful options, will win.

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