shes back to work XD

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Published on 13 Apr 2024 / In
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It's amazing how this evil 304 says. "We can't say No. I think it's because we was raised in a religious household; we were taught to obey and not say no, especially to men". So those "Religious" principals stuck with her soo much soo that she allegedly 'Can't say no to men". But the other religious tenants of Not F*cking strangers, not being a degenerate prostitute and not be a sodomite by having sex with your same sex friend on camera in front of strangers for money. It's amazing how that part of her "religious upbringing" was completely ignored or forgotten. She's literally a sodomite, prostitute degenerate who's tring to blame her "Religious upbrining" for her lack of being able to tell men no.
Also. The part about seeing her friend cry dong Only fans with her. And saying she feels soo bad that she had any part of making her friend feel so bad by participating in the sex act. It completely goes over her head that if she were a man instead, that same act would have been considered Sexual assault or Rape and she could easily have been sent to jail.
They say no to regular men their whole life; so, apparently it isn’t quite the issue of spouses here.
Cunts like her make me sick!...NOBODY put a gun to your head and forced to do that!...You made your FUCKING LAY (pun intended) IN IT!!!
These women are fucking idiots....
Thanks for the education.