
Shoe on head - Opportunity missed for the manosphere?

46 Bekeken
gepubliceerd op 22 Sep 2023 / In Non-profit & Activisme

Wi;; pride get in the way of helping men on a bigger scale?

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The Redpill Liger
The Redpill Liger 2 jaar geleden

Yuri Bezmenov - ]he useful idiots, the leftists who are idealistically believing in the beauty of the Soviet socialist or Communist or whatever system, when they get disillusioned, they become the worst enemies. That’s why my KGB instructors specifically made the point: never bother with leftists. Forget about these political prostitutes. Aim higher. [...] They serve a purpose only at the stage of destabilization of a nation. For example, your leftists in the United States: all these professors and all these beautiful civil rights defenders. They are instrumental in the process of the subversion only to destabilize a nation. When their job is completed, they are not needed any more. They know too much. Some of them, when they get disillusioned, when they see that Marxist-Leninists come to power—obviously they get offended—they think that they will come to power. That will never happen, of course. They will be lined up against the wall and shot.”

Me - Lets not make them our enemy

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The Redpill Liger
The Redpill Liger 2 jaar geleden

Were on the same side wether you like it or not. Your just in trauma denial which is perfectly healthy and fine/ Just let go of the anger and let nature in

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Calling All Stations
Calling All Stations 2 jaar geleden

I take no woman in the west seriously when they get on a platform and claim to sympathize in any way with men's issues. It's a larp or a grift. All of them know the system is biased towards them and not one has made an effort to dismantle it. When a large enough segment of the male population totally turns their backs on them and let them truly suffer for quite a while, then they may actually change their ways. I think it was Oscar Wilde who said something like "unfortunately, the only thing women truly understand is cruelty and suffering." As long as they are living cushy lives, they will never change.

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bigintol03 2 jaar geleden

Amen brother, 100% spot-on!

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The Redpill Liger
The Redpill Liger 2 jaar geleden

Thats because you fear something. I dont care about whats she gets, only what the men get.

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Calling All Stations
Calling All Stations 2 jaar geleden

@Amanley Load: I fear nothing, and I block all incels.

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UncleIroh 2 jaar geleden

Wow dude, you couldn't have made a worse call on this one.

Shoe's audience has less than zero interest in understanding manosphere issues, since doing so would amount to willingly looking into Dorian Gray's mirror and accepting the ugly truth. You haven't yet understood this. It's not that Progressives don't understand, it's that it's in their interests to not only ignore the issues, but to be actively hostile towards them.

Your approach is the MRA approach, and that has not worked, nor will it ever work. But no-one's stopping you from trying.

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The Redpill Liger
The Redpill Liger 2 jaar geleden

i totally understand. This was a opportunity to get a portion of that audience, word of mouth is a massive thing. Keeping ourselves to ourselves wont do anyone anygood. Who said anything was easy. I would if i had abit of punch/audience. Im relatively on the internet a nobody and mainly a truther and i would not be the best representative to educate the younger men into better male representation. Only then maybe then they can gain control of their sexual desires. What we have now is way more than MRA had. almost half of all men are aware and manosphere sleepercells as back then people were relitivly more comfortable. As women get worse and they will shoe on head will become more appealing. If she worked on herself and become a better person id be happy to see where that went but right now by not reaching out were cutting off. Thats my opinion. I try not to concentrate what did not work but what might in different circumstances

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UncleIroh 2 jaar geleden

@Amanley Load: You began "I totally understand" and then proceeded to misunderstand all over yourself. If the MRA's had a motto, it would be "Who said anything was easy?", which is what you literally just said. Since you believe that things before did not work because circumstances were different, then it would be instructive for you to go ahead and do it, reach out to Shoe and her audience and try to engage on your own terms. Your approach is only different by degree, not type, but you won't be able to see that until you experience it.

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The Redpill Liger
The Redpill Liger 2 jaar geleden

@UncleIroh: LOL can you imagine a bunch of ADHD ;earning about adrenachrome, i suppose that would be fun. I didnt mis understand my man, i just cannot be assed to give in to fear. Whats the worst that can happen? be called a simp? hehehehehe

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Alpha Male Lifestyle
Alpha Male Lifestyle 2 jaar geleden

I think you are simping for her. Of course she’s coming for pearly things she’s coming for her bank account. Controlled opposition must cycle out to keep the masses occupied.

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The Redpill Liger
The Redpill Liger 2 jaar geleden

i simp for someone i dont watch videos from? i think thats a touch over reactive buddy

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Alpha Male Lifestyle
Alpha Male Lifestyle 2 jaar geleden

Oh please she’s in it for money. Women don’t care about what she says because they are too busy sleeping around. Only incels would listen to her because they hope they will sleep with her.

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The Redpill Liger
The Redpill Liger 2 jaar geleden

But we are not. The whole point is to educate young men

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