Sorry Mum I was wrong about the holocaust
16 vistas
Publicado en 22 Feb 2025 / En
Cine y Animación
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No wonder they need lies agaist questioning it... Truth laughs at being questioned, says "pull up a chair, let me tell you what happened." Lies say: "How dare you question me!" full of anger and spite...
Not really sure how "justice" can be broguht about for something like that; there were genocides against the german people; there were horrors carried out against the german civilians, there was also the intentional targeted destruction of the foundation of the German society; the assassination of the character of a people. That doesn't even cover the stigma that was placed on them by the rest of the world for generations...
If the shoe were on the other foot... well... can't be, perpetrators being held responsible is nothing like an innocent victim being terrorized.
A non holyweird movie... One the perpetrators of the lie; sent to present day world... If they can bring the full truth to the world, have the world believe it and then convince the modern decedents to restore Germany, the nation, it's people's and culture to what it has been before the start of WWII...
If they can't, they will be forced to live in a world where... their "promised land" is truly multicultural, ethnically blended; "safe passage" laws are gone, sex acts against children are death on sight (and upheld), war crimes against the peoples of Gaza and Middle East are prosecuted unanimously to Nuremberg standards (hoist by their own petard) and the entirely of the world no longer uses currency where usury is possible, and as a result they have to work for a living..
The "Fate worse than death" would only be revealed at the very end when the perpetrator of the lie is finally killed off by their own actual decedents, time paradox occurs, back to the future style disappearing...
(The mysterious group that sent that person back is shown scratching another name off the list with a statement of; only another 5 million, 9 hundred thousand... to go, Interrupted by someone using another earlier 9 million dead date and say "Just like 1909 again?" (replaced with actual date, and maybe a clip of multiple articles they had put out)
An extra twist or two; the movie might be titled in Yiddish; "Search for our Hero"
And the "mysterious group" turn out to be a Jewish people from Israel working with the sole intent of restoring their old way of life; no matter the consequences, even to their own....