

12 Bekeken
gepubliceerd op 07 Jul 2023 / In Mensen & blogs

Philosopher Stefan Molyneux dissects the powerful new film...

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AvyScottAndFlower 1 jaar geleden

Perhaps I'm reading too much into it, but maybe the message of the movie through the protagonist is to invite the 1st world to become more involved in the fight against child trafficking
Although I would agree abandoning your OWN children is not a good message; in this analogy, that'd be an invitation for westerners to abandon the West and go "save" foreign countries/adopt some refugee kids, instead of tending to/having your own.

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AvyScottAndFlower 1 jaar geleden

The main goal of the movie was not to "promote child safety", but to portray a harsh reality that people from 1st world countries are not even aware of.

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AvyScottAndFlower 1 jaar geleden

About your being "appalling" bit
You've grown/lived in first-world countries with all the amenities, the education exposure, and the IQ advantage one could ask for (yes even in the poor environment you grew up in)
You're judging very poor, humble, gullible, powerless and often desperate parents from a 3rd world country who have had NONE of that, very harshly
I live in Colombia and I don't judge such people. You're not even trying to put yourself in their shoes, because it seems you have absolutely NO idea, what the experience of those people are..

Tl;dr that rant of yours sounds kind of like a trust-fund baby asking why don't poor people just get rich.

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