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Publicado en 16 Dec 2024 / En Cine y Animación


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Councilof1 3 meses hace

You would think if you're going to work in or near water you would learn to swim.

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Have you seen this video..... Three Friends Drown In A Pond https://www.mgtow.tv/v/rfN8fe ? A LOT of people in India cannot swim, and there are things that I can't look at - including ---- fuck... : ( Pictures of polluted indian rivers.... You would NOT want to swim in them ---- and indians are notoriously filthy ---- they shit everywhere in the streets and the rivers are full of shit..... They do not have any clean and chlorinated swimming pools... Google - Images - polluted indian rivers https://res.cloudinary.com/djg....esv2ry/image/upload/ https://ibanplastic.com/wp-con....tent/uploads/2019/02

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Councilof1 3 meses hace

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Oh yes. I've seen footage of Indian rivers. Nothing quite like watching garbage, turds and half cremated bodies floating by.

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@Councilof1: Well the israelies - the Fucking JEWS, have created a mixture that smells worse than shit - way worse..... and it stays on for ages and is HARD to wash off..... and they spray this crap on the people of Palestien... They tried selling it to the Indians, but when they sprayed that over the people, the people didn't really give a fuck - because India smells of SHIT.....

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@Councilof1: I can't look at those pictures without wanting to throw up........ Ugggh

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Since they cannot swim, and drowning takes place in 20 to 30 seconds.... Is there any point in stopping the bigger ship and going back to look for survivors, in the fog?

It's not that these people do not count, it's more a case of there is probably no point.

The little boat didn't have radar, the big ship probably did......

I dunno....

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Longshanks 3 meses hace

It doesn't look like they even made an attempt to swim or get away from the boat is it went under. They went under almost before the boat did. Very strange.

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@Longshanks: When people who really cannot swim... meet deep water --- they drown very quickly, silently and almost no sound or splanshing or thrashing..... It's that quick...... here is a watering hole with a ledge and a deep spot...... 20 or 30 seconds - and they are gone... and if you were not paying attention, or there was some distraction or back ground noise, you would never have known that they drowned. Three Friends Drown In A Pond https://www.mgtow.tv/v/rfN8fe --------- These cunts on the boat cannot swim... I'd rather not just keep on driving the big boat, and go back, but 20 or 30 seconds, they are all dead and at the bottom of the river.... So what is the point in even pulling up and going back - that is like 5 or 10 minutes to do that... to find no one and nothing....

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@Longshanks: Did you see the drowning video? - Almost all people who cannot swim - glub, blub, blub - gone.

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