Stronk Whamen | Live From The Lair
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نشرت في 29 Jan 2025 / في
Whamen trying to prove they can do things men do...but utterly fail. We'll Break it All Down tonight at 8 PM EDT!
#WhaMen #DEI #Redonkulas
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**Drill Instructor Mode:ACTIVATED**
What Pig Fucking, Cozen Sucking, Deep Fried Double-Wide, Inbred Corn Fed, Communist Fuck-Knuckle thought it would be "Combat Effective" to put Women on the Front Line Combat?
@WMHarrison94: probably the first time it hits the news
Night all.
Haqve a good one guys! Though, I was just thinking how long until Southern Poverty Lie Center calls Musket Party a terry org?
@unwindingcablecar: I'll take it, thanks!