
Styxhexenhammer666 Practices Magick, & Worships Owl Demon Monkey

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Publicado em 09 Oct 2024 / Em Entretenimento

Styxhexenhammer666 is a Satanist who larps as a conservative on camera, while in the real world he lives the life of a degen, drug abusing Satan worshiper who is both his own God, and pays homage to a demon owl monkey named Stolas. You can't make this stuff up.

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DarkMadDog21 6 meses atrás

The olw is moloch (one form of it) or minerva, the servant of ishtar who are owls

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The Realist Philosopher
The Realist Philosopher 6 meses atrás

So what is this Stolas stuff? This is his pic of hisd "demon" buddy.

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DarkMadDog21 6 meses atrás

a demon general from hell and maybe he's another form of the minerva owl or moloch whatever (old gods were demonised and "split up" with different names but have a similar identity, like Baal, to baalzebub, Belphegor, and other things like that. it does diminish their power but they are still very dangerous.

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The Realist Philosopher
The Realist Philosopher 6 meses atrás

@DarkMadDog21: Ah, Christian Ethos Demonology. All total bunk, so I pay it little heed. What people perceive as demonic entities are in no way fallen angels, and were never angels of any kind.

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The Realist Philosopher
The Realist Philosopher 6 meses atrás

It seems to me that Styx is following his own ade up shit, and that whatever Owl demon he claimed to have seen, and pay homage to is nothing more than the hallucinations of someone who took too many shrooms.

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DarkMadDog21 6 meses atrás

@The Realist Philosopher: i hope you are right because those things are .contagious". you can possesssed or fucked over being near those type of people

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The Realist Philosopher
The Realist Philosopher 6 meses atrás

@DarkMadDog21: Certainly ifyou doing ritual magick along with them.

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DarkMadDog21 6 meses atrás

i never trusted him. 666? bad news. The ourouboros? occult shit? no thank you. That guy is bad news i don't do occult shit. it's more dangerous than you think and because it's not visible that it's not dangerous. Most occultists have their life ruined or spiral into degeneracy or pedophilia and shit.

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saaralgris 6 meses atrás

Never thought dude was worth listening to. Overinflated sense of opinion and isn't really as bright as he thinks. Not to mention extremely blue-pilled when it comes to women.

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WMHarrison94 6 meses atrás

I don't recommend reading Grimoires. They are said to possessed you... These days, I think I rather take the succumbus than a postmodern woman. Hopefully, they will be more obedient and sexier.

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WMHarrison94 6 meses atrás

He described demons as alien abductees describe the Greys. The Owl is often remembered while blurring out the uhm anal probing and stuff... He might have had some minimal exposure, but he's like not even entry level not even a squire's level...

Most men get involved with demons to get in on the orgies and blood orgies for pussy.

No, it is herbalists. The Christians killed them as witches... so he has that link.. No. That is not the Occult. The Oocult is much more vast and wide and a portion of it is somewhat organized... I'm glad I don't listen to him.

Wait... How do you know of magick Realist?!

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