SWAT Recovers Bombs Placed Inside Tesla Dealership
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These are the opinions and ramblings of a foul-mouthed lunatic. They are for entertainment purposes only and are probably wrong. You listen at your own risk.
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So? Send in the Texas Rangers- quick call up Chuck Norris. We got a gig for him...
Seriously. Elon will find them... just back trace their paychecks from Soros or his NGOs and USAID and cross reference with the Demorat mob from their gatherings as AntiFA, Burns Large Manions, MAGA at J6, Palestinian support riots er walks, well at least these fatsos are walking, etc. Easypeasy... I say we bomb them with their own bombs. Er, I mean when we foundvthem, their carefully crafted bombs already exploded them er on them... Hmmm. I guess its spaghetti tonight...
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