Tate The Scammer
39 Görünümler
yayınlandı 21 Sep 2023 / İçinde
Film ve Animasyon
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Tate looks like a P E N I S ... a fully cut P E N I S, I dare say.
btw, it was not a scam since he was delivering a product which was the chance for thirsty idiots to view titties/etc....
if he ends up in jail for it, meh...
if the girls get put into the slave trade because of the gov. etc. that is going after him, meh...
the only thing that really bugs me or pisses me off about any of this nonsense, is the absolute hypocrisy of those going after taint, when they are all complicit in the sex slave trade and the global pedo ring/trafficking....
he is not wrong, frankly the idiots who lost their money to him and the girls deserved being taken...
he did not take advantage or really cheat anyone out of their money, the only reason he is being persecuted is being the gov. did not get their cut...
so they are butt hurt about it.
the girls willing did this, they where not abused or forced to do anything against their will, except having the cams going all night but some weirdo's i guess enjoy watching women sleep...
its stupid but if idiots are paying for it, whatever... if they where taken advantage of, it was because they allowed it to happen in the first place.
no simpathy or fucks to give about any of it, if it was not taint it would be the gov. if it is not the gov. it would be the cartels or sex slave trade, or worse...
they are kinda lucky they ended up with taint since he never took any real advantage of them.