
The Ant People Legend of The Hopi Tribe & Connections To The ET - ANUNNAKI of Sumerians!

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Publié le 16 Jan 2025 / Dans Autre
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soundpurist 10 journées depuis

Here in Canada, I know an elder from the First Nations. He was hired for an historical event in a parc, you know these type of cultural festivals…

The guy knows his stuff. I’ve heard him telling the people that his ancestor’s literally said that their women bred with « men coming from the sky ». I carefully specified it wasn’t him, he just knew how to read the scripts that are old as the world. Yet, people were looking at him like deers in the light, no reaction.

While listening to this video I was talking to myself: « we’re surrounded by morons » . Stupid people are dangerous, it’s not negligible. See the state of the world, since the last years it’s getting worst and worst. Still declining nowadays.

Prepare for the « idiocratic future » my friends. Eat well, train, gather supplies for a guarantied crisis. Resilience, silent prayers and rediscovers the highest values in their right priorities. Love include sacrifice, this for to people you cherish the most. Spare yourself your close ones, stupid people are the one who sabotage your existence without even gaining from it. They’re stupid, that’s why. Learn how to detect them. Research psychology and how to spot parasites, it will you spare a lot of trouble. You don’t even know it.

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Jaygo 2 mois depuis

What's her Youtube channel?

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Ozmosis 2 mois depuis

Link in description

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