
The Death of Hope | Live From The Lair

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gepubliceerd op 20 Jan 2025 / In Komedie

The elites don’t know it, but they’ve already sown the seeds of their undoing.
#TerrencePopp #CultureWar #DeathofHope
Edited by Sogo

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remarksman 2 maanden geleden

New Amerika is an evil place. She treats my brothers like scum and the time is coming when Ms. Amerika will have to answer for her malevolence.

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WMHarrison94 2 maanden geleden

It's not just America. They did this to Germany in the 20th Centuru (C.) They being the Satanic Globohomo "Jews." They did this to tne Roman Empire, likely the surviving Roman Empire, the Byzantine Empire, which lasted up to the 20th C. I bet when find finally prove without a dpubt, the Sunken Atlanteans kicked these ducking Satanic Jews out back then, c. 1,500 BC along side the Exodus. The Jews called Atlantis Tarshish.

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WMHarrison94 2 maanden geleden

It's what they do: Infiltrate the dominant power and Force their enslavement onto everybody else and then enslave or destroy that power. The Roman Empire was destroyed by misguided Christian-Catholic mobs.

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buddd 2 maanden geleden

@WMHarrison94: christianity is the most jewish religion ever, second only to judaism proper and the roman empire was destroyed by evil christian cunts because that entire religion is a judaic trojan horse. Most of what you said was true, but stop calling this shit satanism. jesus and satan don't exist, yahweh DOES in fact exist though and his legion of demons and angels are evil and only through a mass pagan revival movement (like what hitler tried to do in germany) can the jewish god be defeated. The universe is a cosmic battlefield, there's a supernatural realm and many of the gods that old europeans legends speak of are real, and very much gods. Yahweh pushed them back in his quest for world domination but they can and will return and the christians who don't renounce their shitty jewish god will die alongside the muslims and jews, and deservedly so.

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WMHarrison94 2 maanden geleden

@buddd: @buddd: maybe. The True Gods exist: I met Them in Death or heard Them later. So, there's tjat. I was dead surrounded in Darkness and I pushrd back rather naively, but They sent me back. Nothing you say can change that Feact lived through by me. Yea, it is Satanic Jews hiding behind Orthodox Jews using thrm as a shield. I know my rbemy: I have been resisting them for a longvtime, multiple decades.

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sauger1001 2 maanden geleden

@WMHarrison94: Christian and Catholic aren't the same thing. They're polar opposites of each other. A Catholic will tell you as much.

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WMHarrison94 2 maanden geleden

@sauger1001: Sort of

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WMHarrison94 2 maanden geleden

I know I was raised Roman Catholic: I'm more Cartharic now. The Papacy has a "Hands On" policy meaning every Pipe from Peter to Present had their Hands on each other in ritual "changing of the guard." I do believe there is a class of demons or spirits which only moves or possesses from hands on or skin to skin contact. There's a ah fuvk what's his name? The black guy Eli in The Book of Eli and Carribbean movie The Mighty Quin is the star of it...I'm tryingbtoo hard to remember his name. Anyway, there's a Christ cop horror movie where he fights a similar demon but he notices the demon moving from person to person. It's kind of the idea.

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WMHarrison94 2 maanden geleden

@buddd: Maybe. I don't like "Yehweih" . I think it is a false god. Isaac and Jacob called their God of Ahraham, which I call God El Elohim of Israel, Abraham could be either El Elohim or Allah, which I am convinced is a demon, any their God was called Kinsman-- Jacob who became Israel He "Who struggles or wrestles with God El" called his God E Ellohim, the only God that mattered... tnerre are references in the Bible calling their god God El Elyon, "God Most High," uhm El Elyon, Ball, and some seagod Yass... something or anything were worshipped in dame church/ temple , so "Most High" was needed by the Canaanites. Moses called Him El Shaddah "God of the Mountain" Sinai, His second mountain. There are two strong posfibikities for said location. It depends if they visited the moubtain before Red Sea parting or after. Check out my video Theory of Evetything Is Connected: A Socratic Idea for details and references, about half way through.

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buddd 2 maanden geleden

@WMHarrison94: who cares about what jacob said or what anyone else from the bible said when it's all just made up nonsense designed by occult rabbis to destroy te white race. Jesus was never real, and plus he's a jewish FICTIONAL CHARACTER. The only way whites fix their societies is by ditching the obvious mind control religion. I'm very happy to see you seem to know what I'm saying, at least partly.

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buddd 2 maanden geleden

@sauger1001: they are the same thing ultimately, they're both just different flavors of abrahamic shit. When whites start worshipping the true aryan gods christianity will someday forever be defeated and forgotten for the obvious piece of occult mind control tech it is.

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WMHarrison94 2 maanden geleden

Well, if more judges did to that to men's kids, I'd expect a lot of dead judges, but hey, we meme that shit. There used to call judges quick to sentence men to death, "hanging judges" out in the Wild West... let's remake the meme of hanging judges into a visual one... a visual description. Huh? Not get out of it without craziness taking place? Popp, please... we got a raging fire in Commiefornia: That's a unlimited body disposal unit er factory... the fire.... Think mob justice. Shoot or cut their legs and leave to face the approaching fires. I mean I am surprised the death toll is not that high especially with all these cheating wives...

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buddd 2 maanden geleden

I'm not surprised personally, american "men" are cowards who take it up the ass for generations. All those guns and men can still get their lives destroyed by a woman's word, or some divorce papers. It's just cowardice all around and it disgusts me.

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WMHarrison94 2 maanden geleden

@buddd: It's not that simple bro. A woman cries to the judge thst dhe fears you, and slap Red er fuck. I forgot what we call it: Just woke up... mind still rebooting. They can take your guns away over a "cry." I mean whores destroy marriages because "I'm not happy" and if she accuses you of abuse, which all the dhitty lawyers tell them to do, you loose your guns. No trial, no push back. Just lies and tyranny. I ecpected a lot more dead judges. I thought in the 90s and 2000s there were growing signs of a Rise in Vigilantism: I even wrote out a Marvel Universe replacement "umbrella project" of characters based on them becoming vigilantes... but, hey, that soy milk must be working...

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buddd 2 maanden geleden

@WMHarrison94: don't get me wrong I get what you're saying but there are other ways of making those who wronged you suffer, and getting a gun in america is far easier than anywhere else, even illegal guns.. The fact that we haven't seen mass revolutions tells me that the soy milk and shitty food we have DEFINITELY made the vast majority of "men" soft. Men from 100 years ago never would have tolerated this shit.

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WMHarrison94 2 maanden geleden

@buddd: Yeah. I expected a rise in vigilantism twenty years ago...but hey, we can make cement shoes now... abd it's amazing the "number of accidents" which occur...

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WMHarrison94 2 maanden geleden

2.3 firearms per person... that's too low/ Let's get those numbers up dammit!

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WMHarrison94 2 maanden geleden

Ah man... I was about to... Well, let's see Robby Kennedy gets done...

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WMHarrison94 2 maanden geleden

Well, women are the same: Meet one or two of them and you know the er their Hive Mind. No need to participate any more; beside, they have been screaming at us "they don't need a man" let alone want one and calling us "You're a Fucking White man!" Yeah, we are: you might not be as stupid as I originally thought.

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