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the decline of society #cuties

53 Visualizações
Publicado em 18 Sep 2020 / Em Entretenimento

the decline of society #cuties

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awol201 4 anos atrás

It has been over for a long time . Now we can see the Rot and the filth from the outside .

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geo209 4 anos atrás

Society now is dominated by a small group of global elites, and they know the easiest way to destabilise society is to empower women. Why? Women can only see short term and how it benefits them so they will greedily take the bate.
However this global plandemic will be a great leveller and women will find out their true worth when men say you ain't worth it in large numbers, but also when these global elites no longer have a use for them because women are expensive to keep (servicing their wants) .

I don't know if you have seen the film a soldiers story but the phrase "the black race can't afford you no more" will be applied to them.

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KEEPER 4 anos atrás

damn, 10 minutes of 1080p video wasted on darkness lol.
this website said your file was a 5.78 GB file size. i just turned it way down to 240p because there was no point. but good video otherwise.

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KEEPER 4 anos atrás

you could use a video compressor. it will save you on the MB used. one of the users on this website told me about some free software called Handbreak that solved this issue for me. now most of my videos are under 300 MB in size. and the quality of the video is hard to tell the difference because it still looks just as good as the original.

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