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Gonzo Og | 3 المشاهدات

The District Attorney's Daughter

28 المشاهدات
نشرت في 14 Jun 2024 / في وسائل الترفيه
أظهر المزيد
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Drums_McBashington منذ 9 الشهور  

Another screamer. Not as screamy as the last one, she was like the heavyweight champ, so far.
Notice how ineffective the female cop is. Nobody respects them, not even girls. There is no authority without threat/force.
It's quite amazing, watching this undisciplined generation meet Consequence, for the first time. Parents and anyone else responsible for raising these things, should be taxed hard for it. If you're too soft in the head to raise functioning children, you should be financially responsible for the damage they do.
Watching the way these females operate in society, both sides of the badge, the statement 'strong, independent and equal', is just insulting.
They need 24 hour protection from everything, including themselves.

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jim bennett
jim bennett منذ 9 الشهور

send her whole family back to mexico and leave them alone..

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Drums_McBashington منذ 9 الشهور

Good fences...

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jim bennett
jim bennett منذ 9 الشهور

These mexicans have alot of energy..

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jim bennett
jim bennett منذ 9 الشهور

heheh,, cleany cleany while rich americans move into the waterfront arteas of their country and have TYHEM build houses for them .. lol.. this is the way it is.. life isnt fair. .and her own people will do the job of making her a good little cleaning lady..

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Bagoodman منذ 9 الشهور

Daddy will make sure she get's the Pussy Pass.

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Drums_McBashington منذ 9 الشهور

Exactly what brought us here. Probably a case of outsourcing parental responsibilities. Strangers have no investment in your baby. They're not going to raise it, they're going to watch it grow up, doing retarded stuff.

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Bagoodman منذ 9 الشهور

@Drums_McBashington: It looks like everyone say even up to 40 Just act like spoiled kids - And the women are the worst Scream like 5 year old's . I just SMH.

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Councilof1 منذ 9 الشهور

She sounds annoying, looks annoying and is annoying. I hope she enjoys jail. Hopefully one of the cellmates puts a broomstick up her ass.

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Councilof1 منذ 9 الشهور

Looks like a no tell motel. I wonder if she was turning tricks?

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Drums_McBashington منذ 9 الشهور

So arrogant. Teens and early twenties are usually pretty uppity, but this last batch is something else. They seem to believe they've been born with the answers, every generation before, just stupid. Stays with them into their later years, doesn't work out. “When I was a boy of 14, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be 21, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years.” -Twain, Emperor of Words

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أظهر المزيد



Gonzo Og | 3 المشاهدات