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The Sad Fate of the Post-Wall Cat Lady

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Publicado em 04 Dec 2021 / Em Entretenimento

The sad fate of the post-wall cat lady - this video is the WORST example I have seen of how bad it can get for the 'cat lady'. We are going over an article from the New York Post about a woman breastfeeding her own cat on an airplane.

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mrghoster 3 anos atrás

Yep! poor little cat, I find I scream out when surrounded by complete TIT's especially in a confined space as I'm being smothered by a blanket! lol! and that is all to often in this MORONIC retard world these day's?

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mrghoster 3 anos atrás

That lady if that is what it was didn't have the BALL's to do this, she just had the ignorance and retardness to do it. To her this is probably totally normal to get off having cat's suck her tit's? she probably like the little tickle the cat's whiskers give her. and that little warm sandpaper tongue rasping at her nipples! lol! WTF I think I'm getting a hard on! lol! - NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nah! women are fucking INSANE these day's. Avoid them Guy's for the sake of your own Mental Health!

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mrghoster 3 anos atrás

Yep! women definitely have problems keeping their PUSSY in it's CAGE these day's after all what else have they got to release onto the world? lol!

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mrghoster 3 anos atrás

Fuck are cat's allowed on planes over there? I don't know about breast feeding a CAT, I've red some stuff about women Marrying and even fucking their Dog's? Or should that be their dog fucking them? Was this women's hairless CAT a male or female? if it was Female, doesn't that make the women a Lesbian Beatialitist? Is that even a word? lol! women are fucking NUT's and MENTALLY ILL today so I avoid the CUNT's regardless at all times!

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I have a beautiful boy downs syndrome cat, who like licking and chewing on the ends of my nose and fingers.... AND he throws himself at either of my nipples - and he is very persistent.... So I just push him away, it's not a criminal act, it's not a sexually deviate act, he is both quite odd with a few peculiar tendencies. Love him to bits though. However I think he is trying to bond with me / show affection / thinks I am the mother cat....

And it's not a sexy / kinky thing for me either... I mean you just don't do some things with cats, and breast feeding is one of them.

The outcome is that if he latches on while I am asleep, and it takes me a few seconds to wake up, his teeth don't hurt, but it sort of is the breast equivalent - in terms of the undeveloped milk ducts, to getting a cotton swab stuck into the end of your dick, and it has that kind of effect....

It's NOT good.

So this habit of his is firmly discouraged...

But you do it with love - "No titty for the kitty" - and just push his head away.....

And if he keeps trying to do it.... like the 5th time plus, he gets kicked out of bed....

Hmmmmm WOMEN tend to go fucking nutso without sex and without producing babies.....
A lot of them, when they see another woman with a baby, they by default, want to go and fuck the nearest man so they can have one too....

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