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Publicado en 02 Oct 2020 / En Otro

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Doggk 4 años hace  

Another Interesting DOCUMENTARY about HOLLYWOOD from "PlazmoidialSoup" : https://www.mgtow.tv/watch/hol....lywood-magick-amp-so

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Red Face Bill
Red Face Bill 3 años hace

" I believe America is in the condition it's in today, Largely due to television programming" ~ Billy Graham 1977

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sauger1001 4 años hace

The Vatican is the synagogue of satan. JMO.

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mrghoster 4 años hace

Shiva is the God they use, i know this because of all the Dancing when ever they open a Tunnel or start a fake Virus when staff dance in a certain way. CERN for example when it opened. Now look at that footage and compare it with the Swiss Railway Tunnel opening , the dancing on the 2012 Olympic's and the dancing NHS Covid 19 Nursing staff and much more. They worship in that case or that spell Shiva the dancing god of destruction. Look below the surface take the weird stuff seriously and you can protect yourself and you will find God. there is a good chance we are in Hell in my opinion and I'm not fooling. Remember the biggest deceit the Devil made was making us believe he DIDN'T exist? Peace.

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Doggk 4 años hace

Yup it's called the Gothard tunnel, I've seen that ceremony.. It was an abomination !! Worst of it they brought a priest, a rabbi and an imam to bless the tunnel...

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mrghoster 4 años hace

@Doggk: We live in a very sick world where we all have to be like the wolf not the sheep these day's to survive. I'm not of any religious denomination thought born C of E, but i think god IS watching and their will be a limit at some point?

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mrghoster 4 años hace

I wonder if NEMI is associated with the word NEMESIS?

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