The TFM Show: 12/19/2020

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T F Monkey
T F Monkey
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yayınlandı 20 Dec 2020 / İçinde Kişiler ve Bloglar

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Intro Music (TFM Show): "Fling My Turds II: Rise of
Celestina” by Red Pill Chemist

Outro Music (TFM Show): “Sweet Corn Love” by Anonymous

Intro/ Outro Music (TFM 42O): Intro/Outro Music: "A Clockwork
Monkey" by DarkStar.

Background Music (TFM Show):

Monkey Image: "Male chimpanzee in business clothes -
Stock image" by Lise Gagne. Licensed from Getty Images. Animated Newsroom
by rpancake. Licensed from Shutterstock.

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Pyc_Hawk 4 yıl önce

if you don't have principles your arguments are not self- consistent, and your position is illogical. Muslims comiting atrocities doesn't give you the right to do the same to unrelated Muslims elsewhere.

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jesuswasafaggot 4 yıl önce

Keep defending the religion of peace buddy, it will not stop them from killing anyone, not even black agnostics in africa.

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JNoirJ 4 yıl önce

But Islam is the ReliGiOn oF pEaCe.

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Free_Dolphin 4 yıl önce

yea, Sandman's cowboy ad is really cringy but also really funny

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RoboCat 4 yıl önce


28:49 WTF? the new book is out ? TFM is being strangely quiet about it compared to 13 rules.
30:14 Wait, there's still people that think the 'investigations' are serious.....? lol? it's over, it was over the moment the democrat party blatantly committed electoral fraud in front of the entire nation and nobody did a goddamn thing. Everyone involved should have been arrested and I guarantee you those pussies would have rolled over to try to save their own ass without hesitation. Remember, the U.S. civil war was fought over states' rights that were much less important than what Georgia is currently doing.
1:05:21 Exactly, they've already been committing terrorist strikes on U.S. soil across all of 2020 with corrupt politicians covering their ass. There is more than enough justification to act and their threats of violence should carry no weight to anyone sane and honest. If the U.S. falls, so too does the rest of the world..... I hope the U.S. does not allow the commies to succeed.

2:00:38 I have an amusing story about the lazy media, including Fox news. A couple of years back, I was spending time on the debate alt-right subreddit and happened to be visiting family both near the border and in the U.S. . When I was driving to a port of entry, I saw construction crews taking down the old, short, broken down shitty fence that used to separate the nations and instead, put up much higher, much sturdier multiple tall metal barriers with roads behind the second and third for easy patrolling and other things like that. They'd only done very little when I passed by but they had very clearly begun and intended to do much more.

Nobody believed me so I took pictures with my old digital camera and upoaded them to some hosting site so I could show them. They finally believed me but it wasn't really discussed much. About FOUR MONTHS LATER, Fox news in the U.S. ran some sort of story on it really outdated footage and claimed that "The U.S. has begun repairing the wall." with some ugly fat chick, supposedly a border agent, being interviewed "on site" when she was just in some sort of office. They did less than I did and all I had was a shitty old digital camera, a car that wasn't allowed anywhere near the construction and the will to park far away and walk up to the construction knowing that they wouldn't stop me as long as I didn't try enter the U.S.

FOUR MONTHS for an incomplete, low information , borderline false story about something that should have been a high priority for news outlets across the board. The U.S. media is even worse than Mexico's media and Mexico's media sucks.

20:701 I don't understand why all this back and forth.... TFM summed it up perfectly; If the situation were reversed, the muslims would have slaughtered the men and taken the women as their war-brides/rape slaves. I have no sympathy for them and anyone that does is immediately suspicious to me.

4:06:19 Oh shit, TFM just said Code Geass has bad writing. DIS GUN B GUD.........

I've heard the Gary Stu argument against Lelouch before but TFM is wrong. He's practically an anti Gary Stu, nearly every success he "almost" has, comes crashing down due to circumstances beyond his control. This is established as a pattern early on in the show, but eh fair enough TFM regards it poorly, agree to disagree. Also Beast Wars was great...... at the time...... TFM is correct on this.

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Pu4__ 4 yıl önce

01:45:00 Step 1: Elon gets his chips done. Step 2: Government invents "predictive punishment" law when a police gets dispatched your way when you think about committing a crime. Step 3: chips are now obligatory. Step 4: you're afraid to even mentally cry like a little bitch about it because your social score will go down.

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