The TFM Show: 2/22/2020

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T F Monkey
T F Monkey
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Publicado em 23 Feb 2020 / Em Pessoas e Blogs

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Discord Username: Turd Flinging Monkey#1892
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Want to be a guest? Email Aeroshogun at or join the Monkey Business discord server (link above).

Intro Music (TFM Show): "Fling My Turds II: Rise of Celestina” by Red Pill Chemist
Outro Music (TFM Show): “Sweet Corn Love” by Anonymous Artist
Intro/ Outro Music (TFM 42O): Intro/Outro Music: "A Clockwork Monkey" by DarkStar.
Background Music (TFM Show):
Monkey Image: "Male chimpanzee in business clothes - Stock image" by Lise Gagne. Licensed from Getty Images. Animated Newsroom by rpancake. Licensed from Shutterstock.

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KEEPER 5 anos atrás

how to get the full catologe of the TFM show on mp3 format on Android.

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RoboCat 5 anos atrás

14:00 - 16:04 = 'Hitozuma Celestina NTR'

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sardonicsmile 5 anos atrás

02:09 race is determined by bone structure, not by skin colour. It has been politicized to be skin colored for the sake of grafting in group preference, racism, and votes.

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RoboCat 5 anos atrás

@Sardonic Smile 'race is determined by bone structure'? lmao, are you retarded.....? race is *NOT* determined by 'bone structure'. Race is derived 100% from genotype. What it is, is an agglomeration of the genotype variability range that resulted from the grand-scale longform adaptational process to ongoing stimulus in distinct parts of the world, aka NATURAL SELECTION. GENOTYPE not 'bone structure'.

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KEEPER 5 anos atrás

@RoboCat: lol no kidding. this has to be a joke lol

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sardonicsmile 5 anos atrás

@RoboCat: Actually, I am not "retarded". Thank you for asking. I do know that name calling is the telltale sign of a lost argument. Of course you are correct there are many metrics when classifying race; general bone structure being one: i.e. eye socket shape, crown of cranium, bridge of nose, philtrum, etc. You dont have to take my word; ask an anthropologist. Wow! "agglomoration"; "genotype variability"; "...longform adaptational process..." those are some very impressive multi syllabic, compound words. Did you learn them from a Tweet and have been trying to work them into a conversation ever since? Listen, pal, I did not mean to trigger you. You obviously seem offended that I added an observation to the caucasoid, negroid, mongoloid phenomenon. I wasn't dating to assume that we are all one or one "race" should dare to be considered part of a "master race". This will be my last comment to you.

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sardonicsmile 5 anos atrás

@Dude: #notanarguement

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KEEPER 5 anos atrás

@Sardonic Smile: Actually, I am not "retarded". Thank you for asking. lol the thing is i didn't ask. and then you go on to use a backhanded comment about insulting someone with words the telltale sign of a lost argument lol. this was creative btw. oh I'm literally retarded but even i know this information was copy and pasted in here lol.

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sardonicsmile 5 anos atrás

@Dude: I wasn't responding to you. Reread the "@"... You must have attended public school.

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KEEPER 5 anos atrás

@Sardonic Smile: oh look at that. Another back handed insult. Rember that little telltale sign of a lost argument. But you are correct it was addressed to the other dude. But don't pretend you didn't mean this for the both of us. I may be a retard but I even see this.

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sardonicsmile 5 anos atrás

@Dude: ...I'm impressed. Perhaps you didn't attend a public school.

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KEEPER 5 anos atrás

@Sardonic Smile: well done. Now im super bored of this conversation or argument. Lets agree to disagree and move on.

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sardonicsmile 5 anos atrás

@Dude: Best comment you've made!

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RoboCat 5 anos atrás

@Sardonic Smile: Nope. You can spaz out all you want, it won't make your garbled incoherent drivel correct. As to the terms I used, it's basic terminology used in human physiology, embryology, genetics, etc. it's first semester shit...... you're retarded as fuck and have no idea what you're talking about. You are a waste of time.

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sardonicsmile 5 anos atrás

@RoboCat: Bro, this conversation ended days ago. You are late to the party. Kindly fuck off. Is that "basic terminology" enough to get through your public school educated brain?

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mekkar 5 anos atrás

Check out

The mission of DLive is to create a value-sharing live streaming platform that empowers creators and rewards communities.

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KEEPER 5 anos atrás

tfm is already using dlive. and they already started to use their ban hammer on tfm.

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KEEPER 5 anos atrás

almost all tech companies are the same. unless they are self funded.

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