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The TFM Show: 9/11/2021

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Publié le 12 Sep 2021 / Dans Personnes et Blogs

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Chronoless 3 années depuis

the whole "well his voice actor was black" thing is dumb. Maybe they should go back and make Darth Vader black.

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RedPilledSimp 3 années depuis

tl;dr I don't see any way back to the plantation. Clown world or not.

I've been thinking a lot about this latest TFM show. And in particular the "after the collapse" ideas of TFM and as I see it: from other creators as well. What I mean is: when clown world collapses and the BS of feminism is gone it seems to me TFM is actually thinking that women will "fall in line and behave like good girls." As I see it, there is no way back for me. TFM himself shoved the RP up my ass, kicking and screaming I must add. It opened my eyes to female nature. I fully agree with TFM there is nothing "good" or "bad" about that: it's nature. But it did make me realize a woman can't ever love me like I can love her. In the best case women love what I can provide for them. Women are also perpetually dissatisfied. No matter what a man provides them the will get dissatisfied: mostly sooner than later. Hence the constant nagging and shittesting. Nowadays, as TFM puts it well: women are LARP-ing as men. But when clown world collapses I don't need women LARP-ing as women. That's not good enough for me to invest my life in cohabitation with a woman ever again. If anything I totally agree with feminism: I don't need a woman. I don't want to procreate so that's taking away her only selling point. If I need a female body present with my 30 seconds of orgasm, I'll rent one or I'll take a sex doll. She's got nothing else I'm interested in. Her curves? Well, those look good for 1/3 of her life. At best.
So from where I'm standing: women are on their own. Clown world or not. The message "I don't need a man" has come home.
Now if I'm the only man thinking that way I don't see much problems for women. But if not I think they are in a very perilous position. As long as clown world is existing they might fall back on daddy government but once those resources are leeched out they're on their own. They will get truly raped by Chad and Tyrone, their simp oribitors will be pushing daisies and the rational men will walk in a circle around them. Look at Venezuela f.e. That's exactly what's happening there. What's keeping the "strong and independent" wimin for taking care of matters in 5 minutes there? And the sad thing is I truly believe women are too stupid to realize they depend on men. But not the other way around.
"oh, you're an incel! and you hate women because you can't get laid." Nope. I don't hate women. That would mean a level of caring. I'm indifferent. If anything I'm grateful for the Chad/ Tyrones for taking up with their bullshit and gladly leave women to them.
"So turn gay if you want a partner to truly love you!" I would if I could. Alas the male body is, for me, absolutely the most revolting manifestation imaginable on a sexual level. It disgusts me to no end.
"But if you don't need women and there are more men thinking like you, the human species will go extinct! See! You need women." No I don't. How is the human species going extinct my problem? Like I said; I don't want children. I love them too much to manifest them in this shitshow. What the fuck will I be putting them up with? Another male plantation slave or another CC riding whore? I'd say there's enough of them already.
As I see it I don't think us going extinct would be a bad thing. Women are still behaving like apes on the hill chasing the Silverback alpha. Like small children looking for instant gratification without having any clue that we have learned to control fire and invented the wheel and are, for a small part, independent of nature. Just look at the comments from females in this thread. I think they are truly incapable of rational and reasonable thought. F.e. the "babies are racist." Like WTF. TFM meant this as an example that unknown things are being treated with suspicion. That's an instinct. So if a baby from a race is seeing a face from a different race they'll react differently. White, black, yellow and all other colors. That's not racist. That's instinct. Well I kind of get it: women didn't need to go spear down that mammoth or fight that sabertooth tiger. They were nagging about their hard life picking berries near the cave. So what do they know? Something out of the ordinary could be a dangerous snake. So inherent distrust is a survival mechanism. But you don't see white babies giving the Hitler greet when they see a black face!
Sorry for my wall of text. I'm curious how other men think about this. If you want to share it at all of course.

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Darthtickles 3 années depuis

lots of guys are mgtow because of gynocentrism. fewer would be bachelors for life regardless. perfectly fine to have little or no interest in women regardless of the state of patriarchy

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Darthtickles 3 années depuis

@OmegaMan99: even in a patriarchal society, id lean more being single, though i wouldnt totally rule out getting married and having kids. some mgtow would be single no matter what, though id say the majority are single because of gynocentrism

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RaphaelMichaels 3 années depuis

Human women are replaceable. But youll be having sex with women who've been spliced with angel dna or angel x animal dna. Itll be branded as alien babes who will compete on the sexual market place against strictly human women. This will be the evolution +merger of the Pillers and MGTOW. Dolls , prostitutes, and women will be out dated.

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Lucifer333 3 années depuis

the species wont go extinct, just the countries that have feminism

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Russians_are_from_Mongolia 3 années depuis

I am not moving to Alaska but if I were, I would do the van life thing and take the ferry to Alaska.
I would sleep in my van on the ferry. I would spend the first winter, parked in Anchorage, for survival reasons.
Might be able to get free wi-fi if parked in the right place.

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Russians_are_from_Mongolia 3 années depuis

Social Security (government backed retirement/welfare) also causes low birth rates.
No need to have children because, no matter what, the government will give you money when old or disabled.

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Lucifer333 3 années depuis

I used to (sometimes) appreciated TFM's contribution to the mgtow sphere, but he is now turning into a dumb racist redneck who thinks he knows physics (his video on quantum mechanics), what a fucking loser, ... and he was bragging about moving to Singapore (only the 1% of the 1% world smartest get in).

Oh wait now he likes real estate after calling 2 previous callers giving that advise "scammers" a year ago. fucking idiot

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TwoThousandShadows 3 années depuis

Then why are you here? You had to hunt him down to hate on him XD

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Lucifer333 3 années depuis

@TwoThousandShadows: I keep tabs on losers like you, since they are very damaging to the mgtow community, Until we all get our own state, then you can swim in cowdung/pigshit for all i care

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Lucifer333 3 années depuis

@TwoThousandShadows: Sorry I cant hear you speak with tfm's dick in your mouth, public scrutiny is a bitch ain't it

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