The TOTAL ANNIHILATION of the redpill -The Manosphere got it wrong and never got it right, I am here to help
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Опубликован в 03 Dec 2023 / В
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The Total Annihilation of the red pill by the manosphere & other false prophets
A montage of evidence you can see for yourself. I don't need to speak a single word.
Women and reaction content has become the no.1 topic of the red pill online - this is not true redpill and only 1% of the whole picture. This is DISINGENOUS and unresearched
Stay true to red pill, People will speak tongue of the serpant towards your name, dont join a cult of personality - become a person of nature / god and live by the commandments as best you can and always speak truth not from EGO, Ego can only be justfied by TRUTH and then is still needs to be checked
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About 2 minutes and 20 seconds in I knew this guy was one of those chads that pretends to have brains. One of those guys that ends up suicidal, in his 50s, after having sex with 500 women in college and drinking and doing drugs until his body is destroyed beyond recognition. -There are three types of men in the world. The "Alpha" moron, the "Beta" moron that wishes he was the Alpha and the Sigma. Sigmas are real men. They don't fight others, they don't pound their chest in pride, they don't simp like Betas do. Sigmas work for themselves and when an enemy comes along they don't fight the traditional way. Fairly. A Sigma knows that they're just another moron who would waste his time in a fight and he doesn't want to waste time getting hurt, either.
The REAL way of "being violent", as this future-fertilizer tells you, is to kill your enemy in one hit. To poison them, to set a trap, like a spiked pit, for them, etc. Logic dictates that fighting face-to-face is idiotic because it not only wastes your time but it gets you hurt. So, yes, it's retarded. Alphas are nothing more than the strong version of Betas. Both are idiots. Both are NOT MEN. Both are evil dip-shits that cater to what women want. Step outside the game don't indulge it. Don't give women what they want. Be a real man. Do what makes you happy not what this moron is trying to force you to do. You're not an object for some one else to do what they want with you and your life. Break free.
Summary: "Stop doing this because we need you back on the plantation! Or... or... I'll call you ugly names because that works on me!"
Respectfully I disagree.
I'm glad the woman called Sophia is a woman of the Lord and does make valid and sound points however I don't believe amd dont agree everything she is saying.
I agree with what she said all Facebook is a DataBase for CIA which has all your information and photos and their are others like Twitter and whatsapp as well.
2 dislikes, you guys must dislike facts. I would say theres time but.... were running out.
Interesting, to say the least.