This woman should be beaten to death for being so fucking stupid.
96 Ansichten
Veröffentlicht auf 06 Apr 2024 / Im
Film & Animation
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This STUPID Fucking Woman...
This woman should be beaten to death for being so fucking stupid.
People die because of BRAINLESS CUNTS like her....
Rear Ended in Broad Daylight.
Night Surprise Car Crashes compilation - this is really frightening - why I drive home at 60 Kmh in kangaroo territory.
CAUGHT ON CAMERA Multi-Car Freeway Wreck -RAW FOOTAGE- Los Angeles
Major Car Crash Pile Up on The 405 Freeway -watch in HD-
Death is too lenient a punishment if you ask me.
You know what? Scratch that; you're right. It does nothing to bolster the progression of the human race by allowing the proliferation of abjectly stupid people.
So she phoned someone while in the car. Bet it was the police. "Hello officer, some guys are trying to rape me while I'm stranded with my car"
Damn....I was so hoping she would get hit by a Mack Truck.
What are the other dumb mother fuckers doing in the lanes flashing speeding cars going by and standing in the lanes flailing their subhuman arms around like that? Everyone on that highway should have been publicly beaten with canes.