
Tomb Raider GETS WOKE & Gets DESTROYED In Epic Backlash As Fans DESTROY New Leftist Lara Croft

22 المشاهدات
نشرت في 10 Apr 2024 / في وسائل الترفيه

RIP Tomb Raider

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Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson منذ 11 الشهور

Yeah lets have LIZZO the Lezzo - 500 lbs of sweet swinging success....

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Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson منذ 11 الشهور

Yeah lets promote stupid mind fuck conformity - AND - people who are too fucking lazy to exercise and tidy up their eating....

The only leap Lard Arse Laura can make is to save the family sized pizza from sliding off the table.

And this is a "Game Feature"?

Fuck these WOKE cunts - punch them in their faces.

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WMHarrison94 منذ 11 الشهور

There is only one way I would buy this game, which I know they will never do, is if Lara's mentor perhaps one from the grave shows up at the end and slaps the black wokeness out of her... That just might be worth buying it discounted for $20.. oh wait inflation, $10... on STEAM... only if it is not like the Fallen Jedi EA games where you have to be on the internet at all times while playing... fuck that live service shit.

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Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson منذ 11 الشهور

Yeah games that only work when your licensed and plugged in - Yeah fuck that.

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Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson منذ 11 الشهور

Absolute pet hate that - Oh noes download 1.2 Gig of program and the help files - all of 5.4 Meg are not included, Noooooooo you have to access that shit via the internet... WHY?

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Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson منذ 11 الشهور

I remember the VERY FIRST computer game of "Tomb Raider" - and the game was successful - because she had GREAT TITS and a fantastic body.... Good looking for an animated character.

Then came that woman Anglien Jolie (???), who was chosen to play the computer game character, in the movies.

She was CHOSEN because she was built like the computer game character - and had some acting skills.

People want FUCKABLE stars.... Not unfuckable woke fuckwits......

Guess what they have just given us.....

I am not buying.

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WMHarrison94 منذ 11 الشهور

you should have played it with the Nude Raider skin... watching Lara pull a shotgun out of her ass was hilarious and the nice frontal shot for the swan dives... let's say this rich bitch does not shave...her pussy! Then again, it wasthe Italians making the skins....

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Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson منذ 11 الشهور

@WMHarrison94: Yeah going back that far in time... grabbing those memories was like snatching at farts in a fan factory... I can remember the nude skins too... LOL Think it was 8 bit audio and things...

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WMHarrison94 منذ 11 الشهور

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: I still have them somewhere...

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Never_Again منذ 11 الشهور
WMHarrison94 منذ 11 الشهور

Well yeah you'll be screaming pulling out facial hair! But I get the mentality... these Woke cunts crossed a line... no more now.

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