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52 Ansichten
Veröffentlicht auf 10 Feb 2025 / Im Nachrichten & Politik

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KEEPER 1 Monat vor  

got to love that meme.

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ArgonRaysabre 26 Tage vor

A black national anthem is stupid, and I wish black people would sit down and shut up sometimes. I've had to deal with their idiocy all my life. 400 years later, and they're the only group who hasn't figured out how to live in America.

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egray 1 Monat vor

2:00 - The national anthem routinely gets butchered by the 'artistic' interpretations of diverse individuals.
You want us all to suffer through your alternative national anthem? Let Rosanne Barr sing it next year...

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 1 Monat vor

Well you see Taylor Swift is just like any femon its all about show and tell the Pasonia falseness and it was not a good look for her getting booed as her fake pasonia went down on the fake meter

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WMHarrison94 29 Tage vor

Well, I think it was Sandman who posited Taylor Swift was murdered and replaced sith a flatter ass and chested tranny Taylor Grift... I mesn I can see it being true... now Grift got butt hurt over Trump... yet that TDS is infectious to the Left...

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KEEPER 1 Monat vor

what you have to understand about the whole approval ratings is that the news media mostly counts their viewers who took part in the pole, most people don't even watch these media stations anymore, so i'm willing to bet that number is much higher in favor of Trump just based on the demographic who like Trump don't watch or care about these networks.

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