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Trump Declares a National Emergency, Vows to Give Us the North American Union!

15 Görünümler
yayınlandı 24 Mar 2025 / İçinde Haberler ve Politika

Trump Declares a National Emergency, Vows to Give Us the North American Union!
Yeah, the 10 United Nations Global Regions. WTF? People Need to Wake the FFFF Up....
Once Again Trump Uses a FAKE EMERGENCY to Bypass Congress and Assume the Powers of Dictatorship.
This is Classic Hegelian Dialectic, Problem - Reaction - Solution.
But never before have we seen the Very Person Who so Blatantly Caused the Problem also Playing the Role of Savior. This is Blatant, In Your Face Manipulation.
March 11, 2025 45 minutes ago
Nations Conspire
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GenerationLESS 4 günler önce

@6:13…Let’s pretend this is real life…LOL! Love it, spot on!
I’ve tried telling people about this kind of stuff for 25 years, and been called conspiracy theorist, etc. But now those “coincidence theorists” call me that motherfucker that was right after all. Great video.

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WMHarrison94 2 günler önce

You should have told me. I'd tell you were correct. I mean the Holy Spirit told me giving me breadcrumbs to find. In Death, the Gods told me to search for Atlantis-- it was like a notion I should do it despite the Lame Stream Academia aversion to it. So, I found Atlantis, eleven of them and then Exodus but nor just that: I saw all of a sudden how Atlantis and Greece fits in all of this with the Israelites... The key? Language, or more precisely-- our alphabet. It was there the whole time even carved on stone....

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Furioso 4 günler önce

Surprise Surprise ! Globalists , all of them .I told y all .

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You have been saying that a really long time and no one listen to you except me and sum others, you were right and should have put money on it you would have FUCK YOU MONEY that you wont have to deal with online idiots. Keep spitting the facts amd truth \G/

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WMHarrison94 2 günler önce

@DIOSUNBALLZ_TALICHAD: I'd say the (Holy) Spirit or the Truth (They are One and the Same) called us to it. You heard The Call. I think perhaps even believe we might have a snowball's chance in Hell to save this world-- sadly it's the same chance a bunch of mountain hicks took standing up to yhe Greatest Empire of their time Persia, or a bunch White dicks who wanted to fuck farmers' daughters without getting theirvasses stabbed by pitch forks who told The Greatest Empire Ever across the seas "No taxation without representation" or so we were led to believe-- in short it was about power. England's monarchy, House of Lords, znd House of Commons tried to push sb s ilute power to dominate us onto us essentially making us slaves to the crown or Roman Phlebeans or simy "The Phlebs." But, we are NOT their Bitches back then or Now. The Gods are siding us to see through their deveptions, their cracks in their facades, and their lies. Oh yeah, things are about to get interesting. Thanks for finding Uprising! I see he's still too conspiracy yheoriest, but he is more correct than wrong...

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WMHarrison94 2 günler önce

Damn touchscreen-- this has got to bevsome AI fucking up my words-- it completely destroyed my absolute power phrase!?!

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WMHarrison94 2 günler önce

Hey, we fucking White People of Atlantean descent from Europe, a snowball's chance in Hell is more than what we need! It's a chance not their dominion completely overwhelming us.

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