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Voting corruption discovered, Tommy Robinson arrested, blockers for kids fix nothing

26 Просмотры
Опубликован в 25 Oct 2024 / В Люди и блоги

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WMHarrison94 5 месяцы тому назад

No Joker. They trying to kill off White People... shiitttt! Wevsurvive repeated disasters such as multiple Atlantises, Fall of Rome, etc... You are not getting rid of us bitches. Fucking shoot them for the kids they destroyed... the kids who actually crawled out... many don't survive until birth.

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WMHarrison94 5 месяцы тому назад

So? Fuvk that Trannu bitch. Strip her of her doctarate degree and practicing license. Period. If she bitches, then just shoot her lying ass. How many kids are dying or sterile because of her inactions...

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WMHarrison94 5 месяцы тому назад

We need to flood the internet and social media if you considered Truth to terrorism, racism, or hste speech, you are the problem...

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WMHarrison94 5 месяцы тому назад

It's time to slove the "problem."

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WMHarrison94 5 месяцы тому назад

I heard it. The Tommy Robinson video.

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WMHarrison94 5 месяцы тому назад

Truth is terrorism now. Fuck them.

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