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Walmart is stealing from you

16 المشاهدات
نشرت في 02 Sep 2024 / في الأخبار والسياسة

أظهر المزيد
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KEEPER منذ 6 الشهور  

the vast majority of these people are complete utter morons who just listen and believe and vote blue no matter who and just assume everything will be fine while their candidate gives away all of their money and devalues the dollar or money in their country.

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sbseed منذ 6 الشهور

way to much stupid for me to handle in one day... i lasted for 7 min.
the unuseful idiots will flock to this bullshit.

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sbseed منذ 6 الشهور

these fools do not understand that the big stores are not completely to blame, they have not mentioned taxes at all...
stupid stupid stupid...

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KEEPER منذ 6 الشهور

you can tell this video isn't really telling the full truth sadly, a lot of morons are believing everything this video is talking about, because they are leaving out so much detail and only attacking these companies without really finding out why it's lead to this.

what's that saying? " a stupid is a stupid does"

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KEEPER منذ 6 الشهور

geeze i mirrored this as i watched it, i really didn't want to hear about the bleeding vagina tampon shit.

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