What does USA and Ukraine have in common?
35 المشاهدات
نشرت في 18 Apr 2023 / في
الأخبار والسياسة
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Someone around here was telling me the other day that osama bin laden was white!! https://www.gettyimages.com/photos/osama-bin-laden
When whites invaded italy and the mediterranean , the romans moved to constantinople greece.. today its called istanbul turkey.. The catholics are white arabic mixed megalomaniacs.. imo :-)
The first big godam problem I noticed was people telling us that we don't have enough money.. because we are tied to international currencies.. not doing for the American people.. That's when we should have picked up arms..
THE BANK OF CHINA WAS BUILT IN HONK KONG WHILE IT WAS BRITISH TERRITORY!! check it out.. nobody telling us anything..
London ran China through hong kong and built them off of the theft of America.. The federal reserve bankrupts America and wallstreet buys them out.. takes it overseas.. WALLSTREET IS THE COLONIAL MERCHANTS WE FREED OURSELVES FROM!! It's the bankers and the catholics.. .. the imperialist. empire.. of illuminati.. They invaded saudi arabia.. thats why huma abedin went to a british girls school in saudi arabia.. and why arab , osama bin laden atrtacked the world trade center.. because whites have invaded their sacred grounds.. Our country is our enemy because we let them turn us into globalists.. We should befriend Russia and stand against world empire.. deport al;l the foreigners and start producing what we need ourselves.. but the colonial merchants require our military power to control their colonies around the world.. imo..