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Veröffentlicht auf 24 Jul 2020 / Im How-To & Style

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ShadowMonk 5 Jahre vor

Spiritually; Women are of lower vibration than us, where is men are of higher vibration therefore we are naturally more morally superior which explains when women bully, they’re much more cruel and vindictive.

The point is we are more capable of being good, honest moral human beings than women could ever be where women seek to exploit that within us which is very unacceptable and won’t be tolerated. Women have giving us no choice but to be assholes towards them which they don’t deserve our kindness. Sure we men can be passive aggressive but since we are of higher vibration therefore morally superior, where as women are not as capable of being as good as us although We are not as capable of being so evil as women are because women have lower vibrations than us, Women are much more morally inferior. Men have bigger brains, bigger hearts, bigger souls, We are indeed much more morally, Intellectually and physically superior to women.

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theWarrior 5 Jahre vor

A woman who does not have the need for a man is a walking chaotic mess! If women ran the world, we would cease to exist in 3-5 years as production stops; repairs stop; economies collapse; and they are left to their child like brains to run through resources with no replacement in mind. Put men and women on an island and the men will have shelter, fire and a plan for food the same day; women would be in the dark; without water or food; and just talking about how there are no good men to protect ad provide for them! hahahahahaha in other words, if women rule men, we are all f@cked!!! the Warrior

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Dutch Cobbler
Dutch Cobbler 5 Jahre vor

Unfettered female nature. This is what women become when criticism becomes taboo and male authority is criminalized.

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SNIPER_MAGE 5 Jahre vor

Tragic, but a necessary reminder! Now you know why the most dark hearted occultists are called followers of the Left Hand! The Gramsciam-Marxist Left (AKA the Sinisters) is a cult and the primary objective is the deconstruction of society and the individual. They want a homogeneous mass with a neo-feudal elite ruling in palaces. The vast majority of the population will be reduced to its lowest denominator as a convoy of cars traveling at the slowest vehicle speed. Getting a human to fly is difficult, but making them crawl in the mud is very easy! They are not doing this only with feminazis! They are doing this to every man, woman and child on the planet. Simps, cucks, white knights, soyboys, etc are the male version! (Male?) Deconstruct, destroy and decompose to govern. We are the frog ignorant being cooked alive and these transformed women are the wake-up call! Watch, prepare, take care of yourself and protect everything you love because things tend to get worse before they get better (if it will get better!)

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Super225 5 Jahre vor

This is a cryin shame. Many of these young ladies were quite beautiful. Feminism is so utterly destructive. I dont date anymore because women nowdays are so destroyed mentally. Women have made themselves just utterly hideous and unbearable to be around. These are sad days indeed.

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