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What Happens When Feminists Pay Alimony - James Sexton

66 Vues
Publié le 07 Oct 2024 / Dans Personnes et Blogs

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In this video, divorce attorney James Sexton delves into the dynamics of infidelity, discussing who's at fault when a man cheats versus when a woman cheats.

He also explores divorce settlements and what happens when feminists are required to pay alimony.

Additionally, Sexton shares his insights on how many truly happy marriages he's encountered throughout his career.

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CobaltSteel 5 mois depuis

That's why men are letting society go under. Once things collapse, then everything reset. Next time around men need to remember what happened when you let women vote and be in charge.

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TripeSwing 5 mois depuis

powerful bit, especially his final point.

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