Who is to Blame for Single Mother Homes?
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Publié le 12 Mar 2023 / Dans
Todays video is going to break down one of the biggest problems plaguing society right now... single mothers homes (or fatherless homes). Since this is such a drastic problem it does require a solution.
But for a solution to work, it needs to involved both parties trying to fix this - is that possible to do if most modern single women are blaming men for this and most every other major issue today?
Tune in and find out. Also shoutout to the @whatever YouTube channel for providing a clip for our entertainment.
Check out my brand new updated website for lots of advice, education, and entertainment for men in todays world.
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03:46 typical shaming tactics used by females.
If a women can abort a baby citing, "my body, my choice", then a man should be able to opt out of being a father because it is, "his wallet, his choice".
Are we really surprised that the Black guy has 7 bastard children from 7 females?
Amazing, the novelty, of female attraction to thugs. To low level men who's only claim to relevance, that females defend and laud them for, is the size of their penis.
They have no Military Service, Education, career ot business prospects, savings, investments, property, values to speak of; not even proper command of the English language.
Yet, we are inundated with commercials, social movements, government programs, up to and including shaming tactics to demand we treat them as equals in society despite their blatant racism and hatred for everyone and everything that is Not "Black Culture".
Females that go with Black guys are basically rebelling against their parents and trying to seem edgy and trendy. Avoid them at all costs.
Good to see TP again. Gotta do what you gotta do. Life goes on.
7:40. I hate these fvcking programs. And of course a femon (SoloMan) is the judge (the "legal" system is gynocentric, after all), and of course will "apologize" to the man, but won't chastise the landwhale for her infidelity.
Why are you blaming the women?
Because it's the fucking women who are running single mother households.
And fucking women - IF you want to fuck - then YOU are the one who is going to get pregnant - and you want to fuck men and NOT be using any contraceptives at all.
Well who's fault is that?
It''s the mans?
Yeah that is like driving down the mountain and letting go of the steering wheel and then holding your hands over your eyes....
And then blaming the car for the crash.
Throw the bitches back onto the scrap heap of life where they belong.
From 10:40 - These lying bitches and their deflection and finger pointing and "It's never THEIR fault" bullshit.
Get up, walk out, get out, and stay out.
These women do NOT deserve a good man.
They lying and the game playing bullshit - Don't even talk to them.
"The men are leaving their kids - blah, blah, blah" - but they don't include the fact that 80% of women are the ones getting the divorce.....
Yeah you cunts are kicking him out and taking him for everything you can, and then saying, "He left me".....
Fuck Off.