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Why Do Men Prefer Virgins? - MGTOW

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Publicado em 14 Nov 2023 / Em Pessoas e Blogs

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Kam (the Scholarly Ape) and here's what he has to say: "Hello Sandman, While watching your 32nd "Memes Of The Week" episode you showed a screenshot of a research paper about how a previous sexual partner can influence another man's offspring at around the 09:54 mark. I immediately searched the web for it and downloaded its original publication (which has a different title - "Revisiting telegony: offspring inherit an acquired characteristic of their mother's previous mate"). For those unfamiliar with it the paper it discusses experiments conducted on Neriid flies proved that the nutritional condition (i.e nutritionally rich diet versus nutritionally poor diet) of a female's first male sexual partner can affect the phenotype of the offspring sired as much as 2 weeks later by the female's second male sexual partner and that these effects can persist into the offspring's adult phenotype. All of this occurs when the first male mates with the female while her ovules or eggs are immature and permeable by the molecules in the first male's semen then influences the development of the female's ovules. In this way, when the female's ovules become mature and she mates with a second male whose sperm actually fertilizes one of her eggs, the resulting offspring exhibits the qualities of its father (the second male) but also the influence of the phenotype of the mother's first sexual partner. I emailed the lead author to say that I really enjoyed it and to ask some of my questions concerning it. To my astonishment, she replied by saying that she was unable to obtain research funds to continue the research and no longer works in science. I then asked her "Could it be that the people making the funding decisions did not like these sorts of questions or the revelations that could emerge from them?" She didn't respond. The study was conducted on Neriid flies, the authors did NOT rule out the possibility that humans are subject to a similar phenomenon. The last sentence of our discussion section literally says, "The potential for such effects exists in any taxon characterized by internal fertilization and polyandry, and such effects could influence the evolution of reproductive strategies." Human females' fertilization takes place internally and they generally have multiple male sexual partners during their reproductive years, so according to the paper such telegonous effects can and almost certainly exist in humans. For example, another point from the paper explains that the demonstrated influence of the female fly's first male sexual partner on the offspring's phenotype could have effects on both male and female dating strategies. It is in their youth that they bang the bad boys. This is consistent with the 80-20 and 90-10 rules. I wanted to know whether follow-up studies investigated the nature of the phenotypic effects offspring flies acquire when multiple males mated with their mother while her ovules were immature then later fertilized at maturity by their father. Is the acquired phenotype the average of those of initial males or simply that of the most dominant of the initial males.

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zdoctor 1 Ano atrás

AND AGAIN.........I GET UP THIS MORNING TO THIS.......42 yr old whore grapes an 11 yr old boy......yes gentlemen.....another teacher graping a underage boy.......this gets me sick every time they say " she had a relationship or she had sex with the boy ".....instead of the headline reading " she graped the young boy " . ..this is getting to be an every day occurrence. . . . stay away from all whaman as this is what you might get. ....heres yet another article proving why whaman are not worth dating and whaman are getting to be the pervert predators they ACTUALLY are. . . . .

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zdoctor 1 Ano atrás

NEWS JUST IN...........AND ANOTHER WHAMAN OF THE YEAR......whaman murders her friend then steals 300k........WAKE UP GENTLEMEN.....this is what a whaman is today.....they cheat,...they steal....they murder!!!! ...this is getting more and more common to see this in the news. ..whaman these days are toxic and getting worse every year. ...avoid them at all costs. ...heres the article. that proves how violent they are......

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Nice - The LD50 of Visine is? The universal flat line of 100% killing everything? Milligrams per kiogram? Oh here - have a mega dose. Nice. - Great Friend.

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The thing about Visine is the active ingredient in Visine - makes 0.05% of the total amount.... Active ingredients Tetrahydrozoline HCl 0.05% The guestimating lethal dose of the active (medicinal) ingredient is say 1.5 grams per kilo of body weight... but the preservative Benzokanium Chloride is 500 mg per Kg.... So the preservative is 3 x as poisinous as the active ingredient. AND so in order to get 1.5 grams per kilo into someone, of say 100 Kg weight... that is your going to need 150 grams of the ACTUAL substance it's self.... 150 x 0.05 = your going to need 3000 liters of Visine.. But the Benzokanium Chloride - a strong and common antiseptic that works by fucking with the cellular walls of everything... This gets complex because the amounts are not listed but this is a guide. ----------- Average content of benzalkonium chloride used in medicinal products for ocular use is between 0.01 and 1 mg/ml ------------- --------------- And kind of making this up, we will assume that the lethal oral dose is 0.5 grams per kilogram of body weight.... I am beginning to suspect by the numbers that there is room to reconsider the stories about poisoning by Visine... in fact I am thinking that it's total bullshit. AND if the Benzalkonium chloride level on the pack was listed, the dosage for poisoning, is like 1/3 of the active ingredient, and yet there is somewhere between 0.1 to 1mg per ml of Visine. So there is a fucking lot more of it in there, than the active ingredient at the minimum by a factor of 10 to 20 x....

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Correction: Re Benzalkonium chloride --- the dosage for poisoning, is like 1/3 of the active ingredient, and yet there is somewhere between 0.01 to 1mg per ml of Visine.

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zdoctor 1 Ano atrás

SOOO HERES ANOTHER ARTICLE ON HOW WHAMAN ARE SO KIND AND AMAZING......this whamn is serving life for beating a man to death. . . it always amazes me at the horrors of a whamans hands. . . many men think whaman are innocent of everything but more and more people are realizing whaman are out of control... . .i say build many more jails for whaman as the future is look bleak for whaman kind.. . . I THINK THE FUTURE IS MEN even though WE KNOW whaman believe men are shit. . . as time goes on more whaman in the news for some crazy things. ......heres that article just to show what whaman are capable of.....SICKENING ACTUIALLY.....

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And as someone said in the comments, "The amount she made from killing him, she could have made a lot more flipping burgers". So she was an idiot and a cunt.

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WMHarrison94 1 Ano atrás

Well, the surrogate would donate mitochondrial DNA for sure: We can trace back to a mitochondrial Eve via the mitochondria. We can trace back to Y-chromosome Adam, and did. He lived in Africa on the Indian Ocean coastal side. Even today, the coasts exhibits almost all races... a microcosm.

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And they also have a diversity of pronouns too.

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WMHarrison94 1 Ano atrás

This sounds like shit... if we get two sperms in an ovum, known as polyspermy the cell goes into cell death where the mitochondria opens up and destroys the zygote. This phenomenon is observed with the Drosophilia fruit flies, but they lay lots of eggs unlike us.

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