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Publicado en 24 Jun 2020 / En Sin fines de lucro y activismo

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cth96190 5 años hace  

Vile cunt.
I would like to spend some time in an elevator with that cunt.

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mrghoster 5 años hace

In certain parts of the world this is called motherly love!

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mrghoster 5 años hace

Poor little thing, thanks to her mother this child will grow up traumatized. Maybe the Mother will get caught and a big butch feminist Lesbian will beat her in the prison washroom? i think women to day in general are no longer women, they have NONE of the attributes that even start to show them as feminine. I hope the little girl as soon as she is old enough will leave home and let her CUNT mother die alone.

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RedPillSatori 5 años hace

Gotta love that double standard of Feminists that say it's not OK to even touch a woman in self-defense, but then say it's OK for a woman to assault small children like this.

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