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Woman Pulls Swatting Prank, Gets the Surprise of Her Life

39 Vues
Publié le 16 Nov 2024 / Dans Comédie

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KEEPER 4 mois depuis  

this will make you laugh, and probably annoy you greatly, she's a loud cunt.

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Toki 4 mois depuis

She doesn't get any dick anymore at that age and weight so she was desperate for attention. Flirting with the cops and molesting her dog. Surprised she got 1 year in prison I expected the betas in blue to let her go. I'm sure the other tenants were entertained or annoyed with her presence in the building.
Screaming rape means she wants it from the cops there. In the more wholesome universe of anime the tsundere says don't look at my panties pervert. Also means she wants it. So really this was a case of her being overly horny but no men want leading to mental breakdown.
Drugs? Daily cocktails of Pharma products that are legal with a doctor's rX. That's enough to cause this breakdown combined with female constant horny. Women have no hobbies after all. She thought this was a date with multiple suitors at some points.

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tarknan 4 mois depuis

"I can't breathe but I can still talk." I hope that dog is in a better home.

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Bagoodman 4 mois depuis

This is what happens after the ( Believe all women ) Bullshit ! - She thinks she can say whatever she wants and it becomes the truth ! - She never had any accountability ! - And even now just a small slap on the wrist - They want equality I say fine then Give it to them Throw the Book at them ! - Just like a Man Would Get !! - I'M SICK OF THIS PUSSY PRIVILIGE !

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sbseed 4 mois depuis

the cops where absolutely lazy and derelict in duty... par for the course.

the whore was doing what wigger whores do, high on who knows what and completely plowed drunk...
the whole thing is stupid bullshit, and then the whore gets off with not even a slap on the wrist, i hate this world.

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Toki 4 mois depuis

Wigger whore? I was thinking the same. The loud truly toxic behavior. Listens to that music including people like P Diddy and Cuck Will Smith. Women are easily influenced.

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sbseed 4 mois depuis

trying to do a george floyd...
pulling the rape card bullshit...

they cannot arrest someone on a warrant without serving that warrant...
also, they should be contacting her lawyer/attorney as well...

the bitch is insane but i repeat myself...

even if they did break her arm they would say they didnt...

only 1000 cash bond what the actual fuck????
if i guy had done that they would have spend a week - month in jail plus have a 15k bond plus whatever charges...
the pussy pass wins again.

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