Women On TikTok Show Why Men Are Going Their Own Way
ΠΠΏΡΠ±Π»ΠΈΠΊΠΎΠ²Π°Π½ Π² 09 Aug 2024 / Π
Ministry - https://www.youtube.com/@Minis....tryofMasculinity/vid
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This is what baggage looks like.
2:47. "I'm the most independent girl ever."
Translation: I'm a train wreck, and can't get off the cock carousel.
Women generally love being single except for one major aspect of it: $$$. According to stats, they're spending $2 for every $1 they're earning and have to make up the difference somehow. That's what they're talking about when mentioning relationships, dating, marriage etc. Always remember that folks: with the "romantic sex", it's strictly about MONEY!!!
the last woman is projecting . she can not understand why men are a lot happier without women . especially her. ( not men do not understand why women are happier without men ). because they are NOT . i know this because they keep making endless "where did all the good men go ?" videos . i don't see men making "where did all the "normal" women go ?" videos . this is because men know that there are no longer any "normal" women left . feminism has let them down !
what the hell is the woman @ 2:20 talking about ? the only thing that i can make out is when she says "like" for every other word .