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You Don't Own Digital Video Games

Published on 23 Oct 2024 / In Gaming

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KEEPER 10 hours ago  

now i already knew this, but for over the last 15 or so years it seemed this day would never come, but now it's looking a lot like that gaming communist future will happen and i'm really starting to consider using some pirate site, and one of you guys have talked extensively with me on this topic and you have helped to allow me make the right decision when the time comes, if at some point my games are revoked for any reason on steam or whatever, i will just pirate my games from that point forward, because i don't agree that they can just steal my games, when you purchase something, it should mean you own it and never have to invest another dime into it.

i have not purchased a game from steam in a long while or any game for that matter for a long time, and mostly it was because most modern games suck, they are either filled with trash politics or they are filled with bugs and glitches galore that can't be fixed, and i play and enjoy my bethesda buggy ass games, at least their games offer the modding community where other games won't allow that and you are shit out of luck in that situation.

anyway i don't plan on purchasing anymore steam games so long as this clause keeps it up on the platform. i don't trust steam or any digital store front for that matter.

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Yeah that is one reason why I don't Buy anything on Steam I Have old Games that had physical copies and thought about selling them for cash as I don't play them anymore and no one cares they all play some other trash. So I Kept then when these so called Game Stores buys cheap from you and then Sells High to make them Money yeah Fuck that I rather would keep the ORIGINAL for myself and others to enjoy as IM A REAL GAMER haha. I tried some Mobile Games like RGE and got bored with you need to run it in app or have internet data connection signal just to play Fuck that, I downloaded some free games and they are digital copies and nothing has changed from them and they work great and you have then Run on your Phone with no need for App or Service or any other Bullshite so yeah way better and we all know they want to ruin games and any kind of Fun for the Sheeple and A$$e$ that's all it is 24-7 Keep your Games as at the very least you will know the real truth \G/

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jman_44 2 hours ago

I enjoy the irony that Linux enthusiasts are so enamored with Valve and Steam when they were responsible for the original big push towards killing physical media ownership.

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KEEPER 2 hours ago

there was some information that came out earlier this week that i heard about some apps or websites preventing users who use Linux PC's to gain access to their sites, so if they can make something like that possible it makes me think they are planning on making other things impossible on linux, now i don't know how true this claim is going to be, but it sounds like they really don't want linux to win, meaning they are actively attempting on holding back Linux to keep people using Microsoft. also for the steam thing, i feel if they attempted shit like that, i could see linux gamers head to using steamUnlocked instead, because if they try to ban ppl from using Linux, that could be a major problem, now i'm not sure Gab wants that as he's been trying to advocate ppl to use steam on linux, so it's tough to say.

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Amiba 6 hours ago

SteamUnlocked is a life saver.

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