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Zero Emotion By Life Sentence for Husband's Murder
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Опубликован в 27 Nov 2024 / В
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Women are children themselves. More fun times ahead.
"...lots of people talking few of them know soul of a woman was created below..." -Fred Zeppelin
I had a dyslexic moment their when I read the title as ZERO EMMISION! lol! couldn't work out how the femon was connected unless it's name was EV! lol! Mind you it could have been ZERO EMULSION, but what paint has to do with anything I don't know. You say this CUNT tried to blame it's 7 year old Daughter for the murder? I guess the possibility of that could be a repeat when the child is older and takes after it's mother?
An acolyte of Lilith, stone faced, she would bluff a professional, to fold a full house……