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Happy Halloween

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Publicado em 30 Oct 2023 / Em Filme & Animação

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mrghoster 1 Ano atrás

Egg's are to fucking expensive to throw at stuff today! lol! Same with Pumpkin's so just get a fat repulsive femon painted Orange to sit on the doorstep! lol! Oh! I'll take that back, could become a new trend?

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mrghoster 1 Ano atrás

Only Joking - but not about the femon (Muva's) that is! lol!

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mrghoster 1 Ano atrás

When I went trick or treating I used to go dressed as a Human Being, that used to confuse the FUCK out of them. I had a buddy that for a joke and with an explanation went dressed a Jesus and was told that was inappropriate! lol! His answer was well hasn't Jesus cause more death and misery with war's ans shit? I mean he wasn't very bright so maybe he got confused with the Nativity and the Dates or something? lol!

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mrghoster 1 Ano atrás

The really scary part about Halloween and trick or treat is not the kiddies dressing up, that's kinda cute, but the real horror is in the single femon's (the MUVA's)! lol! that walk round with their kid's so Frankenstein don't get a chance to throw them in the lake - if you know what I mean! lol! NOPE the femon is even scarier than everyday at Halloween. I don't do Halloween because the other 364 day's a year is scary enough for me! lol! I don't do that Christmas BULLSHIT either. I watched a YT vid yesterday well a doc actually and the guy that produced it used to be an avid Christian, until he realized that it was a bad deal and he became an agnostic then an Atheist, and he found without all that guilt and angst once he dumped it even Satan vanished along with it. He finds life kinda COOL now , he doesn't take drugs or drink or want to have sex with every hole he finds either. Anyway Christianity was invented to control us by the very same descendants who are up to their same old tricks today, but today it's the environment instead of a Christ they pump us for money and control on. guy's all you need to believe in is yourself.

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WMHarrison94 1 Ano atrás

I listened to a former Satanist talk about how Halloween is Satan's Holiday and as more people "participate or celebrate" it makes him happy as he is "winning over" more of the population...

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mrghoster 1 Ano atrás

@WMHarrison94: Think I may have seen that one? I'd hardly say this guy is intelligent if he thinks one night a year Kid's go out to collect CANDY, not Souls! lol! They probably don't even think of Satan anymore than Chrisdtisns think more of SANTA (SATAN) at Christmas! lol! "Santa " being an anagram of Satan anyways.

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WMHarrison94 1 Ano atrás

@mrghoster: I am at a point now: I am not even 100% sure Satan was evil... he is now, but I don't think he was. In the Old Testament, Satan just means adversary or rival-- likea court case: Ypu have the DA/public defender and the defense lawyer. We if I am not mistaken since the Book of Adam and Eve was withdrawn from canon, Satan in the Book of Job with a bet or argument about Job to God of Israel. He's just like a weed killer likely all the sinful weeds (raping and/or killing babies...) Just saying. What Luciferans prop Satan up to be... now that is when shit gets interesting... I have not read all the ancient Babylonian texts, but I know enough to see that the "Bible" was a collection of edited books or stories from other sources. There is a mentioning of two brothers (Enlil and Enki)-- one creates order or civilization and one created man (who "illegally" put a soul in it)... Both brothers were sons of Marduk (named after Mars the planet), who does appear in the Bible.. some speculate that "God" has four different gods or contributors... The Cre4ator God (perhaps Marduk), Marduk, El Elion (God Most High - a Canaanite god), El Elohim (The Only God Who Mattered-- by Jacob/Israel) also is El Shaddai (of the Mountain (Sinai) when Moses first met him), Yahweih (also Moses), Yahweih Sabboath (local war god ~ Moses), (Yahweih (Sabboath) was also a god at a fertility center "Luz" which became Beth-el (where the Ark of the Covenant was stored pre-Solomon's Temple) where Jacob slept and dreamed his God was there -thus rained a stone to him and "God" had wife Ashereh (Tree of Life) there)t a time "Baal" the rain/lightning god (in the psalms).... There's an interesting book written by a nun Karen Armstrong The History of God: .... I don't remember the full title but it is about the Jewish, Christian, and Muslim God. The Creator God might be (Babylonian) An or that was his wife, Marsuk, Enlil, and Enki might be their sons... Anyways, I'll have to check on it again... but the "Sons of God" and Ananauki are at the heart of the truth of it. Some priests claim the Ananauki are the angels, which would include the Fallen Angels (more on them in the noncanonical Book of Enoch.) Enoch is an interesting person: Some Bibles say Noah was his son others his nephew... Some (Ancient Alien Theorists) believe Enoch was purified and Noah was a purified bloodline, who obviously survived the Flood. Apparently, Enoch's body was never found so he Walked With God... I have some theories too, which I will illustrate in some novels. However, to the Ancient Alien Theorists, there does seem to be some ancient ruins of colonization a space colonization, so the Anonauki could be alien colonists.

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mrghoster 1 Ano atrás

@WMHarrison94: Wow! thanks for all this info. I knew a little bit of it. Ter is also a theory I believe that the GOD of the Bible isn't the God the Christians believe in. there is a question I think in Genesis, and that is why does God suddenly become "Yahwa"? Excuse any spelling! Is the controlling god of the old Testiment actually what we would cal Satan (Adversary) as you say, and is the God of the New testiment a Roman Creation with help from Jew's like Josephus? That would explain why today it still goes on but less powerful? anyway food for thought, thanks.

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hqwebsite 1 Ano atrás

Happy Halloween SoloMan.

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 1 Ano atrás

You as well

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